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Everything posted by 69pilot

  1. Lev is back with the other girl that often visits - strange how he disappeared for several days and then returns with her !! She looks like the sister of Zoya ?? He actually had a bath today !!!!!!
  2. Lev is a total waste of space on RLC and Zoya is wasting her life with this loser. I saw him actually take a bath a few nights ago - must be the first time in months. He just has no interest in her at all. Hope she finds another guy soon and he moves in with her - she deserves better than that loser with his 24/7 vid games ..
  3. Jessica is sooooo fake in everything she does - whether it be cooking in the kitchen, dancing in the living room or camming in her bedroom !!
  4. she is taking some kind of tablets and water now !! probably given herself a headache or mouth ache
  5. she just cannot keep her mouth shut - look at her body language - se looks evil. Not sure what language they speak so cannot understand what they are arguing about. The guy looks like the previous guy that lived there - he was always fighting. RLC needs to kick these out. If I was their neighbours I would be pissed off hearing fighting at this time of the night
  6. Couple in guest room having sex now - she is looking at her mobile while he is fucking her !!! she is only interested in her mobile !!!!
  7. Couple in guest room having sex now - she is looking at her mobile while he is fucking her !!! she is only interested in her mobile !!!!
  8. Isn't the "freeloader guest" Zoya's sister? Strange how she appeared at the time as Lev returned!!
  9. This is the strangest couple ever on this site- they are now having sex in a tent in the living area !!!!!! WTF
  10. This apartment is a disgusting shithole. They should not be allowed to keep any animal in that place - I rarely watch this one as it gets worse - the kitchen must be a serious health hazard !! Why do RLC allow it to continue ? The bedroom is the only tidy room in the place mainly because it is hardly ever used !!
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