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Barry Elephant

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Posts posted by Barry Elephant

  1. 3 hours ago, jjs said:

    Ok  Mike  but no one is going to pay 50 bucks a month to watch girls dance eat and play on there phones , every guy came on rlc to see tits and ass if you didn't then your a fool and the girls did know what they got into cause they say free apartment with cams , the girls know what they have to do and the more they do the more perks they get.

    You don't speak on behalf of every guy on RLC. I am a guy on RLC. I am neither a fool, not here just for tits and ass. Please don't presume you can speak on my behalf, or call me a fool.  

    • Upvote 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Sorry gona change it to..Fidel Glad you re eating,sleeping,watching TV and net with my money,Glad for you and vicka.You should hide more times in laundryroom for sex also.thats just great.The other girls(actual residents)dont feel good or confortable with you in apartament..but thats no problem at all.Just Glad you and vicka are confortable and enjoying my hard eaned cash.

    If you don't like it, don't pay for it, innit?

    • Upvote 3
  3. On ‎5‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:54 PM, sixstringrock said:

    fuck this site is fucking full of spaz's all of you go lick the smeg of ya dead german grandads cock 

    That's nice. Real quality

    Did you really think that what you had to say was so fascinating that we would all be queueing up to give you thanks for sharing enlightenment and wisdom?

    • Upvote 6
  4. 21 hours ago, albacore said:

    Assuming they are two people - I just think a separate account for each individual would be best.  I am not comfortable not knowing who I am conversing with and there certainly is not reason for each person to have their own user.   I just makes it uncomfortable not to know who posted what - especially if someone is screwing with us or trying to get a rise out of us.  Something rings wrong about this whole thing .....

    very doubtful that they are two people

    it's sad, really

    • Upvote 3
  5. 22 minutes ago, erayefkan said:

    There are serious shortages in the most watched reallifeca I returned home from mediocre,We do not want to go home this man,I guess they do not care for the money to be watched alone,home no men go goo gooo goooo men gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    come again?

  6. 22 minutes ago, ze81 said:
    1 hour ago, Barry Elephant said:

    Barry it was of course vicka topless in Kitchen..because sinse Fidel arrived Elisa almost never naked in Kitchen or livingroom..thing its normal the girls dont want be naked near a dude they dont know.The truty its vicka boyfriend it was very bad to rlc members.Before girls were topless on livingroom sofá..doing meals in Kitchen also topless..sinse Fidel arrive all the vibe and freedom of the house its gone.

    Yes, it's lucky that RLC members get to access the cameras in the premium rooms, because, as you say, the girls aren't as willing to be naked in the living room and kitchen at the moment

    it's bound to change the vibe a little, but that's life

    • Upvote 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    As someone asked why all the hate for Fidel?Well i really hate what he simbolizes...thanks to him(and vicka)the apartment  its ruined..the original meaning and vibe of the apartment its gone..and 90% its all his credit..so yes i hate fidel. 

    I am not sure about "meaning" but I just tuned in and one of the girls was topless in panties doing the dishes which was fine by me

    • Upvote 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    I dont need a mandate. I just say what everybody thinks. Feel free to make a survey here when you dont believe me. And your point with plenty of skin on the internet is getting really old. On RLC and espeically in the ggg appartemtent you can see skin in a nearly normal everyday life and thats a big difference to simply watching porn

    I don't need to make a survey because I am not trying to speak for "nearly all" of the people here.

    And just because something might be old doesn't mean it isn't good.


  9. 5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    You really think this is real life of people you see here? Do you really think someone would spend money for watching boring everyday life of some random folks?

    The answer is no. Nearly all people watch because they want to see skin. And yes I think when enough people complain there will be a change. RLC already told me that paying members at least have some kind of influence.

    This is logically beacuse without paying members there would be no RLC at all.

    When did you get a mandate to speak for "nearly all" of the people who watch RLC?

    There is plenty of skin on the internet. Guaranteed skin, every time, no waiting, no inconvenient visitors.


  10. 3 hours ago, joejo said:

    Well since we got our answer from RLC --- We can just hope time passes quickly and he is gone along with her. We still dont have to like him so we can still voice our opinions on this forum? Oh by the way i think it's 5-6 days with the same shorts, and shirt --- total filth. That's just an opinion .... right? We can still have those.

    are you asking anyone in particular or are the questions rhetorical?

  11. Just now, jabbath1987 said:

    No it is not. When you are a premium member you pay money for this. And so you have the right complaining about that hairy ape ruining the whole appartement

    you pay your money for a service which is to be found on RLCs terms of service page. Didn't you bother to find out what you were paying for before you paid? It says nothing about giving those who pay the right to say who can and can't stay in the apartments. It's not just hilarious, it's a ridiculous idea, as well.

    • Upvote 2
  12. 56 minutes ago, roro66 said:

    Ich habe mich sehr ausführlich über diesen Kerl beschwert. Habe aufgeführt warum der so schnell wie möglich weg muss!!!

    Die Antwort von RLC:

    I complained at great length about this guy . Have listed why the need to get away as soon as possible !!!

    The response of RLC :


     Thank you for contacting us.

     The participants are free to have guests. 

     Support Team,

    Das ist alles!!! Danke RLC

    That's all!!! Thank RLC

    that's hilarious! you complained because of a guest in a "real life" apartment and expected what?

    • Upvote 2
  13. 6 hours ago, ships diver said:


    I am sorry but you don't get to censor

    Oh yeah, we are all secretly on the payroll of rlc, paid by them just to post generally supportive comments on here. sure. right

    (there is a touch of sarcasm about that)

    as for getting a life - how are you setting an example by whingeing an mewling about your freebies shrinking?

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