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Barry Elephant

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Posts posted by Barry Elephant

  1. 9 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Agree in part,but i almost never shout ou in caps or nothing..i prefer to explain my points with some respect to cc users..same thing cant be said about others..when you are secure of yourself and What you think usualy you dont need to respond with caps,neither call bad things to others,thats an thing i was passed by my parents and i will always do my best to be minimal educated,even if somethimes its complicated to do it...

    iirc it was benfold who was bollocking him in caps

  2. Just now, ze81 said:

    Just saying What i think and feel,most people in here(Myself included)like dreamer.But he should be more coerent and also dont say things with so much certain About the girls..he doesnt know more than anyone in here..só somethimes What he says only puts him in evidence.

    Part of reading things on the internet involves using your critical faculties, working out what is gen, what is loaded, what is just nonsense, or fun, or a prank. You can still do that here, and, as I pointed out, if it's too much trouble there is no need to lecture pedantically, or shout in caps - which is what I originally responded to - even if you are taking it so seriously that you claim to have fallen in love with one of the tenants. You just ignore it.

    And as for the complaint that he hogs the thread: does it really make sense to fill up more of the thread with complaints about it when you can just scroll on...ignore...

    Far too many people enjoy telling others what to do when they would be better taking their own advice

  3. 1 minute ago, Benfold said:

    Look man, if people want to speculate that's fine, it's part of the fun of a forum, but stating speculation as fact just creates confusion. Real cold hard information is valuable here, and muddying the waters with nonsense like that doesn't help matters, especially when Dreamer's posts make up about 25% of the past 200 pages. If everyone is happy to read that crap then fine, I'll let it go, but I suspect that most users here are as tired of it as I am

    I think about 90% of what is in here is speculation mixed with fantasy, and I don't really see any intrinsic value in "cold hard information". If you want to pick on dreamer, have at it, but it's at least possible that you may be in danger of taking the whole thing a little too seriously

  4. 8 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    Because Dreamer you say a lot of things which don't add up. Yes it's possible she has a boyfriend of course, but you act as if you know things for a fact, and whenever anyone calls you on it you back-peddle and say "no what I MEANT was..." You contradict yourself all the time, and refuse to acknowledge that you have done so even when it's like 5 minutes later! Here's an example, you said "Irma has done porn videos, solo only, nothing hardcore." When I called you on it you said "No no Irma would NEVER do videos, she doesn't need it." It wasn't a mistake by you, you were just making it up to get a reaction. 

    Unless you can provide proof of the things you say, DON'T SAY THEM. Nobody believes you when you say that you have some mystery friend or relative in Barcelona who keeps you up to date with what Irma gets up to (and somehow in a city of 1.6 million people keeps running into Irma out with some mystery man) in the same way that nobody believes Bonnie when she says she has her own personal translator friends who give her information which never turns out to be true. 

    STOP stating things as facts unless you can back it up, Of course we all speculate about the girls and what they get up to, but unless it happens on camera, or is posted about on social media, or is translated by one of the Russian speakers here, then it is all just speculation and will not be taken seriously

    Ben is most definitely in charge of what people can and cannot say on this forum.

    You have been told. In capitals

    • Upvote 1
  5. On ‎7‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 11:40 PM, clivebb said:

    yes,i know but i don't understand the logic of the selection.

    there is two solutions: they open the sound for all the cameras in guest bedrooms or they mute the sound for all the cameras in guest bedrooms but not choose like that what cameras we can hear or not. it's reallife or not !


    why must it be logical? They might have had limited equipment when it was set up. they might have been asked to kill the sound in some places by tenants and agreed to do so, there are plenty of other possibilities. the world does not always run on logic. I am about to eat breakfast. I will eat what I feel like eating not what 'logic' tells me I should eat.

    there is a third "solution" - just leave it like it is!

    there is a difference between "logical" and "what clivebb wants"

    • Upvote 1
  6. 55 minutes ago, MrBox said:


    Again. It is bad casting from RLC. ... Based on the U.S. in 2010 about 2/3 of the FEMALE in the age group of this apartment do masturbate. ... Taking into account that the girls also have no sex in the apartment (even when there BF's are there :angel:), there are far to few events. 

    Ultimately, it would be a good idea to ask the candidates about there habits in this matter and whether there are willing to continue in front of the cameras. My goodness, why all the cameras, if they select mostly those girls that are repressed in terms of maturbation. ... It was simply just way more fun to watch this apartment with Elisa in the cast.


    for real? the statistics?! seriously? you need to go to the journal of sexual medicine to say that you preferred it when Elisa was here?

    assuming you are, your data is for the united states, and therefore not applicable. If you are going to go to those ridiculous lengths...

  7. Just now, Dreamer24 said:

    Im far from too nice Barry. -- When i feel like i offend someone i jus like to apologize. -- I get pissed and say things i shouldn't sometimes is all.

    I was just playing with you - I can think of many more disgusting things women can do than smoking! maybe you need to go round the block a couple more times yet!

    anyway, you will have to try a lot harder to offend me - no offence taken here, and given the family history you mentioned, I should say that I hope you understand that I meant none to you

  8. 55 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    You get off your soap box too.  Homophobic?  you fuck wad...we/I am stating a preference.  If you like guys, then so be it.  RLC will not be around for long.  MOSTLY GUYS SUB TO THIS STUFF TO SEE WOMEN!!!

    mate, this is just shit. real playground stuff. people can read what you write here, you know?

    • Upvote 1
  9. On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 1:59 PM, Solembum said:

    Hopefully someone will frag this wheezing bag of dick tips ( TY DP ) next time he puts on his boy scout outfit and heads into the woods....

    Sol, Is it right that you contacted Leora? Did Paul tell you where to get off? Is that what this is about?

    I know he is a bit of a goon, but you seem to be 'protesting too much' - is that why?

  10. 11 hours ago, Solembum said:

    You cry when Paul abuses Leora, but are the first to post new content. Your ignorance and lack of morals will only end up getting this Lady hurt. Watching it happen over and over again while you condemn it is the most lame thing Ive come across. This apartment should be shut down.

    We are shutting the apartment down now, are we?

    I don't see any ignorance or lack of morals here. Just solembum with a red face riding the same tired old hobby horse.

  11. 8 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LOL  it must have been another boring ass day in the Barcelona apartment if all you people could come up with was 6 to 10 pages of someone posting something that damned near everyone and their brother has seen at least a dozen times.  I would like to request that one of the mods remove all that chatter about one of the girls personal info!



    Suddenly the world is full of amateur mods.

  12. 8 hours ago, clivebb said:

    it's 4 years i'm on the forum,i know exactly who is who,if i have take decision put someone in my ignore list,there is good reasons for that,don't give me lessons here pls  or you will finish in my ignore list too,thanks.

    i prefer talking with only 10 interesting members here than 100 members quote my posts just for break my balls and do the cop here,i'm not interesting by that,that's why i have take decision to start use this ignore list feature.

    add me in your ignore list too if you think i write too many shit here,i don't have problem with that,everybody do what they want

    Mate, do as you like with your precious ignore list, feel free to add me to it, twice, if that's possible.

    You might want to chill out a little though. The month off clearly wasn't enough.

    Watch your blood pressure


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