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Barry Elephant

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Posts posted by Barry Elephant

  1. Just now, happyman88 said:

    Rita is a very astute business woman. From what she is saying it sounds like to me that she is studying for something that could be about social science; country or company ethics for example. My point is that whatever it is she is studying she knows that everyone is in her room trying to see what is on her laptop and what she is saying which means she is earning from RLC on viewing time. A win/win for her and good luck to you Rita. Very subtle

    assuming that is the basis on which she is paid, which I think is just an ASSumption

  2. 4 minutes ago, Nick said:

    so what my friend They have to find him first of all I think they bored nothing better to do like yourself you are leveling with them LOL let it go Peace and love watch  Elisa watch the girls or guys if you wish I don't know what you like it's your choice I love girls  

    So do I my friend - which is why I don't call them dirty slags to amuse myself :o)

  3. 11 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    100% agree albacore.The day we end giving our free and honest opinions this forum will be an boring one direction view and opinion place.Glad we all diferent persons with diferent tastes and ideias and the coments express that.

    people are obsessed with their opinions. "Look at me, listen to me, I have an opinion, I have a "right" to my opinion and you have to listen to it."

    Okay, you have one. So what? If my opinion of you is offensive and insulting, does that entitle me to spread it all over the internet?

    Opinions and arseholes. Everbody has got one. but they are often best kept private.

    Its a simple matter of how much class you have.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 7 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Corbo is right wether you want to except it or not!

    Let's say he is, for a moment. Let's imagine that he has proof perfect that they earn their living lying down - which I don't except (actually, I don't accept it, but that's beside the point) So what? Big Fat So What? Why spew such hate for these girls on a forum like this? What does he accomplish by insulting them publicly? Why run the mouth like that? "Yeah yeah yeah, I am right about this and I can now say what I like about them" it's just bullying.




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  5. 15 minutes ago, gipfler said:

    If you want nobody damage, shut up about your supposed facts. It gets stuck to you to call the Girls whores without adducing the evidences. It is not also the job of the Boards to defame the Girls. Hold so mouth and enjoy the Girls or get out. One must not write down any thought also publicly.

    Is right!

    whether you have evidence or not, it's just not cool to badmouth these girls. Not nice, not good manners, un-fucking cool, and no Corbo (et al) saying it's just 'your opinion' won't make it so. Sometimes its just plain good manners to keep your opinion to yourself. Be a gentleman, who knows when to stay silent, and show some class. The fact that its your honest-to-god-sorry-arsed opinion doesn't make it any better. These are real people you are talking about, and they read this shit.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Just now, Beldonn1 said:

    Those girls were getting extra money from some kind of escort work. They show the bills when they counted them after their night. Ilona had written 1500 € on her body to show the price she would asked to sleep with her, certainly a joke but some of it was true. But, Cordoblanc, it doesn't mean they are prostitutes nor it allows you to despise them. You don't connect to a soft porn site to make moral judgment.

    Very well said!

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, corboblanc said:

    j'ai mon avis personnel sur des filles comme ilona, danaya ou adèle, pour qui le modélisme ne peut pas leur offrir la vie de luxe et de voyage qu'elles ont!!! alors comment gagnent-elles autant d'argent, comment sont-elles autant de temps libre, comment voyagent-elles autant dans le monde?!!! je laisse à chacun le choix de son opinion.....

    I have my personal opinion on girls like Ilona, Danaya or Adele, for which the model can not offer luxury living and travel they have !!! so how do they earn so much money, how are they much free time, how much they travel around the world? !!! I let everyone choose his opinion .....

    My "personal opinion" is that all the girls of RLC work for the intelligence services of their respective home governments, and this is how their lifestyles are funded. I mean it's obvious, and even if you disagree, you have to respect my "right" to have an opinion.

    (Did I hear someone say that opinions are like arseholes?...)

    • Upvote 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    And that is why I posted it, as well as injecting a little humour, which unfortunately was lost on you. Yes she does look beautiful laying naked and in everything she does, but would we all be watching her if she were fat? perhaps you would, different strokes for different folks, but she is vain,and has good reason to be,  and loves the way she looks, and would not I would guess want her body to go to rat shit, so it would possibly in her interest be advisable to cut down on the junk food. As for the exercise remarks, read them again Barry, they were said tongue in cheek, but from your point of view lacking in humour,  and were not intended to be taken too seriously.

    oh, sorry, in that case you were hilarious.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, happyman88 said:

    You're right on the money here Nick and is the same product Dayana used when she was in the big room

    What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infections?

    The Candida genus of yeast is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. Its growth is kept in check by the lactobacillus bacteria. However, these bacteria can’t work effectively if there is an imbalance in your system. This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections to be present.

    Most yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans — a specific strand of yeast. These yeast infections are easily treatable. If you’re having recurring yeast infections or problems getting rid of a yeast infection with conventional treatment, then a different version of Candida might be the culprit. A lab test can let your doctor know which type of Candida you have.

    The imbalance that allows the overgrowth of yeast to happen can be due to:

    • antibiotics (they lower the amount of lactobacillus, or good bacteria, in the vagina)
    • pregnancy
    • uncontrolled diabetes
    • weak immune system
    • poor eating habits, including a lot of sugary foods
    • hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle
    • stress
    • lack of sleep


    is this really happening here? is Nick STILL on amateur gynaecology? Is there no end to it?

  10. 20 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    There is little doubt, although its in the eye of the beholder,  that Leora is a beautiful girl who is confident in her body, and who wouldn't  be,  BUT!!  The way she enjoys cream cakes,chocolates and other naughty nibbles should encourage her to remember the old adage " moments on the lips,inches on the hips " The body beautiful will not remain so if she continues with her present eating habits,  plus the exercises she does are not intense enough to combat the threat,  she should build up gradually, then increase the repartitions and severity, these exercises should be carried out without the restriction of any clothing, and for at least half an hour in the guest room. Mother nature is unforgiving,ignore this advice at your bodies peril.     

    er right

    this beautiful girl spends the morning hanging out naked while we watch, and this is what goes through your mind? It makes you want to post this? what, really? diet and exercise? lol! 

    • Upvote 3
  11. 56 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    effectivement, je dois dire que cette fille n'a plus beaucoup d'intérêt pour moi, j'aimais bien la petite guest mignonne qu'elle était avant, pas la salope autodestructrice et fainéante qu'elle est devenue. mais chacun vit sa vie comme il le veut...

    indeed, I must say that this girl does not have much interest for me, I liked the cute little guest it was before, not self-destructive and lazy slut she has become. but each one lives his life as he wants ....


  12. 10 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    rien n'est agréable à regarder chez blue, ni ses séances pornographique sur internet, pour gagner de l'argent facilement sans trop se fatiguer, ni les mecs différents qu'elle aime trouver pour la sauter de manière vulgaire, ni ses tatouages hideux qui salissent son corps, et cette phrase conne qu'elle porte en gros sur la poitrine "ce qui me détruit, me nourrit", qui reflète parfaitement la forme d'autodestruction qu'elle recherche, et son malaise psychologique!!!! cette fille est fainéante, fait partit des mouvances d'extrême gauche: "refus de toute autorité, sexe, alcool, drogue, tatouage et piercing", et fait maintenant du porno pour rester à ne rien faire la semaine, en regardant des séries sur l'ordinateur, bien enfoncée dans le canapé en mangeant des pizzas et des chips!!! je terminerai en répétant que quand une fille fait du sexe doux, avec câlins et caresses, c'est parce qu'elle va rechercher des hommes doux avec un profil sympathique, pour faire l'amour avec eux. mais quand une fille se fait sauter violement, par des mecs différents qui la prennent comme un vide-couilles et une salope, c'est parce qu'elle recherche ce type de relation, pas autre chose!!! oui, messieurs, les femmes salopes et qui aiment l'être, existent, que cela soit inenvisageable ou pas pour vous!!!!

    nothing is pleasant to look at blue or pornographic its meetings on the internet to make money easily without too tiring nor find different guys she likes to jump in a vulgar manner or that its hideous tattoos sully his body, and this sentence bitch she wears big chest "what destroys me, feeds me," which perfectly reflects the form of self-destruction that research, and psychological discomfort !!!! this girl is lazy, is set far-left movements "rejection of all authority, sex, alcohol, drugs, tattooing and piercing," and now makes porn to stay doing nothing week, watching series on the computer, well down on the sofa eating pizza and chips !!! I conclude by repeating that when a girl is sweet sex with hugs and caresses, it is because it will look gentle men with friendly profile, to make love with them. but when a girl blew violently, by different guys who take it as an empty-balls and a bitch, it's because she looking this type of relationship, nothing else !!! yes, gentlemen, women and sluts who like to be, exist, whether or not unthinkable for you !!!!:confused:

    so you don't like her then?

    • Upvote 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, Yury said:



    Guys, you really think so ??
    Maybe me begin to photograph the shelves of our supermarkets with price tags and upload photos to the forum? 
    I also do not understand, why they are taking pictures of food, but it's not because we have not something or in Russia is very high prices.

    No offence Yury. I make no assumptions about your country and have no experience of it. I know you can do 'posh' - you are where caviar comes from, aren't you? and that's the poshest food there is :o)

    I know English Gin is very popular in Spain, it has a premium value for being English, so much so that there are brands that are more English than we have in England! That is what I had in mind.

    Sorry if I gave offence - that wasn't my intention. Regards, and thanks for the work you do translating here.

  14. 4 minutes ago, iogres said:

    Finally they left the blonde and the brunette both b ** ch of Barcelona
    there is the train that does not pass on
      many cocks remember them especially in the restaurant and night club toilets or showers in gyms
    "Nothing happens" as was said lmao
    all that bullshit with the pages of nonsense is ridiculous
    occupy you know that are or have been some girls outside already and why they drink so much and cry when they come back to the apartment and all this tension for three months that you excite the girls who a "real life" Ask the right questions
    RLC scammer with all these naked girls who have nothing to offer other'd better close this room or any change

    This seems to be a bit nasty iogres. Are you feeling okay? are you a bit sore about something?


    This is your first post here? and it's this??

    • Upvote 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Solembum said:

    you airbrushed the cottage cheese! Nice its blurry. Was watching her at the Iron the other day...Looks like her thighs exploded out of shorts. She has really nice handles to hold onto now on her hips.

    she is a doll mate, better than you will ever do. No airbrushing, no "exploding thighs" just a fit girl who has somehow got under your skin, for sure. weird.

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