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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Many questions here: 1. Who is who? 2. Where did they all go? 3. What was Jeka thinking by the cam setup in living room?
  2. Yes the bigger the places the more cams are needed. A cam directly facing the jacuzzi would be great.
  3. I think the place might not be completely ready yet.
  4. I really hope there will be more cams and I just went online a little too soon.
  5. Yes bedrooms are good. Livingroom needs two more cams and kitchen one. But I guess it's not really ready yet because some cams not loading and lots of buffering.
  6. New guy there and Anna did not join the party. She's still at home.
  7. Only one cam for such a huge living room? At least two more cams are needed. The sofa is far too much away from the cam. Kitchen is also too big for only one cam.
  8. Topic for Stacy, Xenia, Gary and Dora. Appartement managed by Jeka. Mods please pin.
  9. Okay thanks. So party postponed. Hope she will fun nevertheless. She should not party everyday. Less parties but more hot and interesting are much better.
  10. She has twitter? Can you pm me her twitter please? Thanks.
  11. Guess Nina Alan will be the rating kings and queens today then
  12. Thanks. That multi view feature is nice to have. But far more important are new places, more people and better cams.
  13. Yes Anna does not say sth. to CJ because of the low rating @groomy?
  14. Can you tell us a little more about future plans @VoyeurVillaNews? New places? New people? New features? At the moment VV is at a stanstill quite a long time...
  15. Nothing confirmed yet. But what else is he doing being away so long? Plus he had a lot of cable and tech equipment in the LR lately.
  16. Yes. They will leave VH but stay active as managers in background.
  17. Layne and Mika bought an appartement where they will move to with the baby. Most important rule: No minors on cam.
  18. So congrats to Anna. She will be a great mother seeing how caring she is to all her friends.
  19. Lol what a bad fucker. That was so short not even the blanket had time to come off
  20. As I said. GIve him one more chance... You dont know yet if its really Jeka by the way
  21. Misty! You bad bad girl. Where do you have your hand again?
  22. Dont recognize him at the moment because its too dark in the kitchen...
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