It's clear far too much pressure was put on them which was neither good for them or good for us viewers. The local managers who are employees of Alex and Lina only saw their own profit here and they no longer saw the people as people with their own individual needs. Alex and Lina should learn from that and no longer put sub-managers in charge. It's a shame it has to end this way but if situation now improves for participants I am happy they will do better now.
I must say it really good they reacted that way. The participants should always have priority. The circumstances and conditions at the compound were not good for them. They really worked their ass off for entertain the viewers and they deserve to be treated as good as possible. I am really proud VH sets the people over it's own profit and gets them out of that situation. Kudos to James and all who reacted here.
Well then I hope Ashley will have a great and long life and will make her way in the new city. Many bad things has been said about her but she's still a human and she did nothing bad. She tried to adapt but you could see this life is not for her. She found it out now and she's moving on. Bye Ashley. Wish you only the best