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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. It's all about the variety and interaction. I second that.
  2. You are right. Misc always is a lil extreme. But I can understand what he means. I do not only talk about sex. I said it in my post above. They should get support to do new and interesting things which also means to help them out with money. And I agree with golfer not make them perform every night. Less often with more variety will be better for them and get more views in the end.
  3. These giant teddies really become a trend at voyeur sites. AFAIK there is also one on VV, RLC and Scarlett at GM appartement recently got one too. Quite funny
  4. Don't know but don't expect a rapid change now in that appartement
  5. You did not offend me. And if private things stay private than it's okay. Give lovely Mika our love. Her being back makes your appartement complete again
  6. All with masks this time. Will look into CasaHot in a week again so.
  7. A little extreme saying 2 or 3 times but I get what you mean.
  8. Well this shows that SJ did not get kicked because of the rating as they have nobody else standing by to replace them. Would be completely stupid kick sb out because of low rating and have no replacement ready. And I can't imagine Alex and Lina will give up on that project so easily that they are okay when other non VH people move in the empty house. Don't forget the compound is the only thing they have at the moment and which brings them money. They can't risk losing views as they will lose income by that too. Curious what will now become of the compound. It's for sure if they want more views or remain at the current number of views with now less people they must change sth. Pretty sure they know they can't move on the way it is now. I think the rating system with making competition between the houses has failed. They should base it all more on rewards and some special events they all will do together which Alex and Lina will pay for. For example a nice barbecue night or a really nice pool party. Get some sun loungers over there and maybe some sand and you can make quite a cool pool party. Excited to see how it will go.
  9. Hehe misc admit it you have a little crush on her
  10. Yes thats what I wonder too: It just does not make sense to me giving up realm1 because of the rent. If the curator moves in normal people the whole idea of the compound is dead. If he leaves it empty he wont get any money for it. So why should he do this? @groomy any information on this?
  11. Thanks for information. But when there will move in sb. else who is not in the project the whole idea of the compound will be ruined.
  12. So whats becoming of the other house when REL move into realm2 (former SJ home)
  13. You remember it right there are other appartements in this house which are not part of VH.
  14. An own place would have been the right thing for them...
  15. Nope. Okay Ashley now I believe you that you do it for floor protection.
  16. So the story of the wet floor is now finally history I suppose
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