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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Sorry thats plain bullshit I saw them all clean their appartements
  2. A great man you have. They hello to him from all of us weirdos here
  3. Well lets hope for the first. Shall we?
  4. Has sth. to do with many tripods. And what do you mount on tripods?
  5. Guess "maske" means mask in portoguese. She talked about that
  6. Well if she has a problem with it she shouldnt join the project. Simple as that. The mask is not protecting her at all
  7. Well she only has to blame herself. Its normal you cant hide whole time when you are there for a longer period.
  8. The other one now has a real big and extra ugly mask
  9. We should make a price for the first one in here who posts an unmask pic of a masked girl. Like photographin a disguised prototype car without its disguise first
  10. Wonder why nobody else seems to be interested in our friends Laynes secret project here...
  11. Now everybody has seen her face so she can drop the stupid mask now
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