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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Maybe I just watch Silvia and Josh for a while doing nothing. Or will check out VV. CasaHot is already getting boring. Will be interesting for a few moments again when new girls come.
  2. Sorry dont watch that Barca teasing stuff. Does not interest me at all. I sometimes watch the genuine people there.
  3. Totally right. I thought hed already left. But now its nice to see he seems to get along with them. He needs a girl now. And it wont be Mona as there was nothing at all between them. Talking about horny singles: Fully agree
  4. Who the hell is Gina? The new girl? She hasnt a name yet?
  5. And the next of approximately 547 upcoming smoke breaks
  6. Nude beach party? And whys GreenWood not there?
  7. Well I hope it will be a nude beach party:
  8. Bad sign GreenWood bunch not there. Nobody there to show them how to party...
  9. Hot party in Tver or just the usual topless teasing stuff with sex in separate rooms and appartements after? Any info @VoyeurVillaNews? Will this be a GreenWood like event?
  10. Wow you are pretty fast Friend with or without benefits?
  11. And even another new couple. @groomy where are you. We need you here
  12. jabbath1987


    I am willing to take the 20% nothing too yes. If she changes her behaviour I have no problem with that.
  13. Because she wants as much as viewers as possible to get more money in the end
  14. jabbath1987


    And thats the problem. Mona 80% of her time is not there. And of the remaining 20% 80% is sleeping.
  15. Thats right. Kudos to James from @Voyeur House TV. He must have nerves of steel and the patience of an elephant
  16. jabbath1987


    Dont mention them. Both give me nightmares
  17. jabbath1987


    Its not that I dont like her. Whe she returns she must change things completely or other participants may take an example on what shes (not) doing and get payed nevertheless. I wont work more when I see my colleague does work a lot less and gets the same share.
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