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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Yep the house staff cloaks itself because of the cams. I already suggested stormtrooper outfit for them. That would be great
  2. Guess it must be a screen where they see the chat and incoming tips
  3. Things went just as I thought. Mona did not show the slightest interest in the guy and left pretty early. And shes again not home tonight. Guess she must give some guy some "dancing lessons" again
  4. Good to know. Wish you the best with it. Are there any more special things planned in the future?
  5. Nightvision failed in bedroom failed on us again @Voyeur House TV
  6. Well the best thing there are the cams. Hope @Voyeur House TV will achieve same quality for other appartements one day.
  7. Too bad. In my opinion they miss a great opportunity.
  8. Really wonder if @CamaradsOfficial will make the same deal with @Voyeur House TV? They will draw a huge benefit out of it I guess.
  9. I said it many times now. Not US$. Brazilian Real.
  10. I could watch those two for hours. Thanks again to @AlexLina for bringing them in.
  11. Come to Silvia and Josh. There's genuine action my friend.
  12. Thanks at least one soul active in here and not all in casahot topic.
  13. Interest will go back to normal level when there is everyday same and action far too predictable. Not worried about other appartements at all.
  14. Don't care. But for me it's too predictable. I agree the one with glasses is the best though
  15. Have fun. Will watch Silvia and Josh. Maybe we get make up sex.
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