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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Does not look very drunk to me. Neither Grisha. Btw Jess was so cute when she was drunk
  2. Id wish to see Iris in that appartement one day. I think her and Maria have many in common and would be good (naked) friends
  3. Sweet she hugged the other guy and brought him to bed
  4. She doesnt care at all. Remember the day that strange art class visited Alina Eugene? All got fully clothed. Only our Maria put on a skimpy bikini
  5. Maria is not uncomfortable or shy in front of any guy. Lately she was having a bath with Grisha and one of Alinas strange guest came in. She posed for him naked let him take photos and even make a vid. Maybe she feels no shame because shes so comfortable with her body and thinks its just natural being naked.
  6. Always glad to help. Can you please do sth. against that huge blind spot in the guest room of Maria Grisha?
  7. Maybe make him bald? Oh wait than he might look like Kojak
  8. She pointed to where its heart is. Maybe she must console him and he has lovesickness?
  9. Here's another idea: Make a function when you right click on a cam you have a drop down menu to report the following things: Buffering problems No audio Nightvision switch problems Would be the fastest way to submit a ticket.
  10. Don't know their relation to each other but I can imagine they will go all the way.
  11. She was topless and he took his shirt off and they hugged. They did not go further yet.
  12. Wait you say Maria and that strange hair guy are in the bedroom together?
  13. Quite a loooong way to get even on the level Regina has not dare to mention Jess or Maria.
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