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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Well no matter who and how long anybody will stay cant get more boring than with the silly4
  2. Dont really watch it anymore. Sometimes check archives there and thats it. Cam quality is too bad there and lighting there is beyond bad
  3. What resolution do you use? I see a big difference when you compare the screenshots golfer posted from yesterday evening and compare them to ones posted before yesterday. Thats the quality impact I am talking about
  4. Well I am not there spokesman. I am not associated with them at all. What do you do in software programming and administration that you know so well its so easy to make a better timeline? And its not the majortiy here complaining at all. Just be fair is the main point here...
  5. Timeline hasnt changed. What changed after they tweeted it yesterday is the bandwith of the streams which has been lowered. That causes very poor streaming quality with lot of artifacts and pixels in it
  6. Its not so dark in there for them. Theres enough light coming through the window. Cams are the problem in here
  7. I hear you. And they should solve both our issues. I trust them to get it done.
  8. Even better put the silly4 in that bedroom and give the horny4 the big bedroom
  9. Yes and it proves that we need Better lighting in there A third cam like cam4 in the silly4 bedroom. Do you hear us @Voyeur House TV ?
  10. Just look at the silly4: You can see they have no energy at all, Just hanging around staring holes in the air and taking up space. That pretty much sums it up for the silly4
  11. You dont miss much besides the usual sex sessions they are on laptop all day.
  12. Nope the topic is they lowered stream bandwith yesterday and I trust those guys from @Voyeur House TV to fix it. Dont be so negative dude
  13. Just opened a support ticket and @Voyeur House TV is aware of bad stream quality sine they lowered bandwith.
  14. Girls pleasuring each other in shower now (No not Emma and Kate )
  15. Great name. So we should use this two names from now on
  16. Open again and all 4 in the shower. Too bad stream quality is so bad
  17. Yes there must be a way to get the stream quality up again. At the moment it is worse than VV
  18. Yes of course they can replace all of the silly4 because they are thousand times better in one night as the silly4 were during her whole stay
  19. Stream quality today is even worse than yesterday for me now. All movements on cams are completely pixelated now. Far from any HD quality. @Voyeur House TV can you give us an estimate when we will get better cam quality back? Unfortunately it really spoils the fun watching with this bad stream quality
  20. Time for my daily appartement check: Both on computer. Not worth watch that boring things only to wait for the one fuck a day they have...
  21. You can see on screenshots what bad quality impact has the reduced bandwith @Voyeur House TV did. Hope they find a solution to bring the old quality back
  22. Yes they are antisocial and bitching around about all what makes them complete buzzkills... And even worse they keep complaining instead of changing by themselves.
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