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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Did Petra tell you Dennis?
  2. Halloween is actually from Europe (Ireland) and was brought to American by the first settlers there. It's roots maybe way more older as people always had profane rites for praise ghosts, and demons. So not really an American thing. American made it that big and commercialized it.
  3. She brought quite a lots of stuff. Dont think she will leave so quickly
  4. Does anybody still watch that joke? Now we have the new hot girl in Tula and the new couple in Tver. I think Sofia will loose many viewers by now.
  5. Mr Big Eyes is in Tula again
  6. Ok press record for me as I am at work and cant watch
  7. Guess we are getting an early Halloween party in Tver or Voro soon
  8. Yeah it seems Nick is again falling for her
  9. What is cute Anna making in the kitchen? Some kind of picture?
  10. Bets are on how those freeloaders gonna celebrate Halloween. I guess they will both go out and we will see nothing
  11. Iris is the most sexy devil I have ever seen. Show me the way to hell Iris
  12. Is that the pole where cam13 was attached to which is now blocking sight of cam7?
  13. Nick sleeping in bed, Lisa on sofa
  14. Katya and Niki just had sex in the bathroom
  15. Nope never seen him before
  16. Lovely Iris tried to make Halloween party but nobody joined in
  17. Did she really sabotage cam13?
  18. Ok shes not leaving as it seems.
  19. Wonder what problems Lex and Iris have?
  20. Drama now between Lex and Iris. Iris is packing
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