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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. And Lex and Iris action again. They are like rabbits today
  2. Maybe they will return one day
  3. I am glad you are alright again. And yes I hope that too. But I dont believe in it. I think VV just got two girls here who told VV wrong, got a contract and now live there on the expense of VV. They are freeloaders. Nastya is not showing more she is hiding more. No wonder the guy and the woman from VV who have been there today were quite angry.
  4. Yeah in Russia the winters are much colder than in Germany.
  5. I think they got a deadline today until something must change
  6. Yes Dennis. Winter is coming here
  7. Umm my weather we have around 8 degrees centigrade dennis
  8. Hmm lets see. It must have a reason why VV stuff was there today
  9. Hmm no it's pretty hard. I think I give up. So whats the answer and you can ask a new question
  10. Nope Sofia is worse than RLC
  11. Ok so it's specific for one villa. First I thought washing machine or jacuzzi. But they are in more than one villa. So I think it must be a Person. Keep calm could also mean just dont give a shit. So my next guess is Nastya
  12. Yeah shes clearly screwing the paying members.
  13. New girl has not returned yet
  14. Hmm ok keep calm. Something or something is not meant to be excited and just do their thing. Am I right we find this thing in more than one villa?
  15. Hmm so I think it's not meant a way you do something. I suppose somebody or something is described here?
  16. I answered "Petra having sex" When its wrong please give us a hint
  17. Ok next one: Always naked and Sonya likes to cuddle with it. Its not the cat.
  18. Whats thats session? Tweet: Tmr we should be a small session in Tula around 1(13.00) pm local time
  19. Did not expect anything else
  20. The dress is right I like the cat. Hmm keep calm and just do it? The way Petra has sex?
  21. Funny is the old angry woman is wearing less than Nastya
  22. Dont know maybe hes the one responsible for casting Bella and Nastya?
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