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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. They went out. Gerda in a quite sexy dress without bra. Gerda is not the problem there. Kent is the freeloader
  2. Hope so too and I really hope they no longer live like descendents from moles and switch the lights on when it gets dark
  3. Ken did shower hidden behind curtain. I really hope VV kicks them out soon
  4. Obviously L&N seem to know the hillibilly guy
  5. Absolutely right. I am not very happy when Lisa and Nick come back. But better to have them there as Voro empty for nearly a month or the hillibilly guy there. Concerning Gerda and Kent well this is a hopeless case I think. I hope they will replace both couples after the castings
  6. Good thing Petra made it out there safe
  7. Wonder when they will shower
  8. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    He should tear down all walls so Lisa and Nick if they will return will have no more hiding spots
  9. Hope he has a strong stomach
  10. That guy is totally nuts. Now he is fighting some imaginary enemies with baseball bat
  11. *Uaaarghhh I had to find my mouse to switch appartement under all those vomit after I accidantly looked at Voro*
  12. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Hope he will leave ASAP. Petra does not deserve this
  13. And still record. someone out there in a galaxy far far away (I hope) likes the hillibilly
  14. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Petra now save back in Tver and telling the others about hillibilly. Damn I wish I could understand Russian
  15. Ooops seems we share the exactly same opinion
  16. Lol WTF someone pressed record for the hillibilly sitting alone on sofa
  17. I think Ivo was on the phone tell him to get the hell outa there. Hope he will leave with pants
  18. Petra did right thing. Absolutely not her fault
  19. Is Ivo speaking with him on phone?
  20. Hahaha what should he do there? Become a monk and join the holy Gerda and Kent monastary
  21. Maybe those little pigs are washing in the toilet. There might be a small faucet.
  22. There is absolutely no chemistry or attraction to each other between them
  23. Seems Petra is doing a solo show without the guy
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