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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Alcohol is maybe the best way for her to get over the time Fidel is there. Honestly I could fully understand her when she chooses to leave early because of the hairy monster
  2. Sorry you are right. I overshot the target a Lil bit. Will be more careful in the future. Did not mean to annoy anybody. So let's just all be friends and have fun ok?
  3. Strange that no other people complain I speak for nearly all of them dont you think? Maybe I am simply right
  4. I dont need a mandate. I just say what everybody thinks. Feel free to make a survey here when you dont believe me. And your point with plenty of skin on the internet is getting really old. On RLC and espeically in the ggg appartemtent you can see skin in a nearly normal everyday life and thats a big difference to simply watching porn
  5. You really think this is real life of people you see here? Do you really think someone would spend money for watching boring everyday life of some random folks? The answer is no. Nearly all people watch because they want to see skin. And yes I think when enough people complain there will be a change. RLC already told me that paying members at least have some kind of influence. This is logically beacuse without paying members there would be no RLC at all.
  6. As far as I know she did not. And dont expect showing sth. from her. She even changed facing away from the cam. She is shy like Aida was
  7. I think when they get to much complaints RLC must react. So when you think he should leave and did not complain already please do it
  8. Hope he gets washed out of the appartement very soon. Must smell like hell with every day wearing the same. Stinky Yeti he is
  9. No it is not. When you are a premium member you pay money for this. And so you have the right complaining about that hairy ape ruining the whole appartement
  10. Dont know what she studies all I know is she will only use the appartement as a cheap place to sleap and will not show anything. She even changed with her body facing the wall. So dont expect much from her. We have another Aida here who does not fit in. Dont get me wrong she might be a nice girl but is wrong in this appartement.
  11. Yeah I hope Fidel or like I like to name him Rasputin is gonna kicked out sooner or later. I do not guess what Kind of relationship vika and Rasputin have. Never saw them doing sth. intimate
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