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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Lol now it is getting really ridicoulos. I got answer from support that they are only responsible for technical issues. All others issues I should read the FAQ. Obviously they got to much complaints I guess and ceased to reply to them. Great work RLC
  2. I am pretty sure she will leave. And RLC deserves it. Its the only way they will see what consequences it brings to bring Fidel in there. I think with Elisa gone nearly nobody will watch this appartement anymore. Rita is a nice girl but only nice to watch if you are into the "best hiding from cams" game. And Fidel and Vika. I couldnt care less. They will lose many customers (including me) who only subscribed because ot that special appartement
  3. I can fully understand her when she will be leaving. She wasnt able to be herself anymore since the bearded wonder arrived. She had to stay pretty much in her room which is kinda boring. So it is no surprise she will leave sooner as she had originally planned.
  4. But is it able to translate audio simultaniously? I only found the abiltiy to translate documents on the site
  5. Uh oh guys I have the very bad feeling the girls will drink to together now because they have to say farewell to Elisa...
  6. Hope she will read here and get encourage to do her thing without caring of the bearded wonder. Go Elisa we are all on your side ???
  7. Does Elisa have to wear that jacket because the bearded wonder complained? That would be sooo *censored*
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