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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I do not think they will all move thousands of kilometres only because of Misty 😁
  2. Haha Dean and Nathan together with Krista will be epic. I really hope Misty will invite Nathan 😁
  3. You know that Melissa & Sergio and Misty are totally in a different city? Otherwise pretty sure Lisa would have visited them or Anica and Joel...
  4. Yes they lived in the same house. Even had keys for each others appartements.
  5. Nope my memory is failing me here 😁 Unless you are not kidding me with the boxing thing 😂
  6. Don't know I only remember that place as the tiniest place we ever had on VH. But it was quite cool and cozy.
  7. Nope sorry🙈. I can just guess she looked sweet as sugar as she still does 😍
  8. Right. You spoiled it 😂 Wanted to test Amy's memory 😇
  9. Remember the name you gave her when she first visited Chloe & James?
  10. No you should make a ticket. Will get solved pretty fast then.
  11. When you cancelled your sub there was nobody left watching them 😂
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