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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. She was surprised how Limpy does not know how to fuck I guess 🤯😂
  2. So seems like Limpy#1 finally learned how to fuck? What about Limpy#2? Did he finally realize it is easier to fuck without the pants? 😁
  3. Of course not. They screamed and moaned yesterday too when absolutely nothing happened...
  4. People will see it is everytime the same pathetic shit and will lose interest quickly...
  5. I do not mind. It is rather funny. Seems they do not know at all how to make a decent party.
  6. In his next life Limpy will be a snake or chameleon 😁
  7. Small hint which might be helpful. Without pants fucking is much easier
  8. He already overtook him by claiming the title of the worst fucker of the site. Well if he could actually fuck 🤣
  9. So just a staged show where both Limpy#1 and Limpy#2 probably are not allowed to fuck the girls. 🤦‍♂️
  10. So we have two limpys right now? Limpy #1 and Limpy #2 😁
  11. Did any girl get fucked hard yet or is it the same pussy licking only tease like last night? I guess Limpy is an eunuch or gay 🤣
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