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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Glad @Mrs.Kitty is still in business. Promising place. I bet Zahia will be the other participant
  2. There was either, boring parties, ridiculous webcamming or nothing at all at this place...
  3. No Loggia cam. Do they go outside to smoke or is there a loggia without cam?
  4. Not at the moment I watch them. Just checked before going to bed now 😉
  5. Tell me why I should watch places with horrible cam setup or constant webcamming?
  6. M&H are a little more active lately. So yes I watch them.
  7. I check the timeline on the non webcam places sometimes. The Columbian places and the excessive camming places are not worth it.
  8. Anna's places, Nicole & Karl and Marla & Hector and Ary & George
  9. It is about the places on VH on the website. You can make a list of favorites there now
  10. I understand some words or sentence. But only when people speak very clearly and not too slow. But sorry I don't know what Kira is saying. Only watch the place because of Emily. Not very interested in Kira.
  11. I know just wanted to tell you about the name of current guests
  12. Yes that is a possibility too for sure. I hope Anica & Joel will stay.
  13. Lana & Lenny. Please make them participants @Mira&Henry
  14. The guests there now are called Faye and Lionel.
  15. Lol I bet the place will come back with other people living there.
  16. Will do soon. Maybe @Sparkles will be faster. @StnCld316 time to move them to online again.
  17. And we have a favorite function now. Very cool. Now I can have all my favorite places together in one list.
  18. Just imagine in little more than five months Christmas is already over 😁
  19. Nope. My all-time favorites and best friends will remain there forever😍❤️
  20. Of course. It's speculation to ask if it's true...
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