that guy! He couldn't care less :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:. I wish Carla would do the same instead of looking at that phone all the time :headache:
yeah...what happened today was pretty weird...took a shower, put sexy underwear and make would think she was going out...instead she went to bed :wtf:...who does that shit
some think that we want porn 24/7...far from the truth. That's why i don't even check Masha and Sasha apartment anymore. what we want is reality...and hiding from cameras is not part of it. If you don't want to be :poke: exposed, just leave cause i am not paying for this. when one door closes, another opens and most of the time is for the better...don't get easily satisfied with garbage!
I think he got raped last night...he was obviously dead tired passed out and she kept fucking him and stroking him until there was nothing left of I would like her to take some notes from Leora so at least we are not seeing a crime being committed :yikes:
I can't believe i am saying that but i don't care about those 2 and their fucking...little too much. On the other hand Paul should be watching and taking notes :lmao: