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Everything posted by martyen

  1. I'm surprised people do not talk about the loud conversation between Bea and Neia in the room, ( around 6:31 pm ) Neia seemed very angry with some insults (yes I know some insults in Russian) just after this conversation the girls went to the balcony probably to finish the talk without sound for us. not very important but just strange to see Neia angry
  2. if EM was the girl in the picture, I think Sid would be without pants day and night and walk right ....... in any case, I really like the photo
  3. totally agree, it may be a Russian / Ukrainian youth custom. All the apartments at least once, guys have fucked with pants or underpants. I think the record is for Vlad / Amy I have never seen this guy without pants or underpants, I hope I'm not mistaken guys (period KPLP, Rose / Artur etc ...) no sensuality + bad cams + bad fuck + pants = sid
  4. hello everyone, if the idea that this couple takes the apartment many changes are necessary, the lighting, painting, cams etc ... I do not criticize Layne's lifestyle but I'm sure that with more clarity and a cleaner apartment, the apartment would have had more viewers . Of memory I have never watched this apartment live, always in timeline or archive the good sides of Layne if have removed morality, it is a good fucker, often pretty girls, a treesome, it is a musician and that pleases the girls. a regret he did not fuck Teya anyway in front of the cams.
  5. about a year ago my wife and I were invited to a friend's house for dinner, our friends did not have a corkscrew, my wife proposed this technique and everyone laughed (me too) after about a minute I was proud of my wife she was successful, and during the whole evening everyone tried with 100% success and all kind of flat sole (do not take stiletto shoes) thank you for this memory
  6. I agree with you two, I prefer to see Karla alone, but it's a couple and their situation depends on their future behavior. As I have already said they have very little time to convince us, and if nothing changes in better they will have to leave.
  7. hello ze, my post did not designate anyone in particular, but the fact that you say totally, suggests that you changed a little your opinion. I do not oblige anyone to agree with me. I can change my mind if the couple does not progress quickly in my interest and probably that of VH and CC
  8. hello to all, first I wanted to wish good luck to Mic, we do not always agree, but sometimes he has arguments to convince me the opposite of what I think . like most of the forum, I join your quick return among us..... . For the couple Karla & Arnie I see that many have changed their minds, thank you to them, I was one of the rare to support this couple and especially Karla. ....
  9. I totally agree with you, unless you do a porn casting before signing
  10. according to my analysis Karla is the leader and I think she is able to change Arnie into better, the problem is time. the failure of the five, plus the two weeks waiting for Linda and Carrie to do something and I do not talk about Zoi and Tim, we have become impatient and rightly so, does not leave much hope for shy people.but I am not stupid , I will not wait a month to change my mind and give up this couple especially Arnie
  11. one of the reasons to give Karla a chance ....
  12. Hi ze to be honest I'm not a fan of the couple Layla / Eric since the beginning.and especially Eric he spent a lot of time in tracksuit or with a blanket, the worst was in colocation and I do not mean the last apartment where he was practically invisible Layla is a beautiful woman with a beautiful body and breasts she was the reason I followed this couple, but the last apartment was for me a disappointment I know that a lot of people appreciate this couple, but not me this is only my opinion For the couple Margaret and Tony they seemed uncomfortable in the apartment especially Tony, many videos games drinks, friends, leaving Margaret alone or not concerned his presence for me no regrets when they left the project . The only valid couple (managing Lina & Alex under manager Zoi & Tim) is Clara and Stas and maybe Linda & Leon that's why I would like to see Karla alone. She is no worse than the others compared to the time spent in the apartment. Obviously I'm waiting for more of her or the couple That's just my opinion.
  13. I agree with you 100%, but for Karla she can stay alone I would not be against ......
  14. Hello Jabbath, I think that Alex and Lina are proposing apartments and that Tim & Zoi find the tenants. If I remember well Karla came alone to see Zoi before getting the appart.Arnie could be fooled by Karla who herself was deceived by Zoi and / or Arnie just does not support life under the cameras. If this is the case the couple must leave, It would be regretable I like Karla....
  15. Hello everyone, a quarrel in photos the argument begins in the living room, then Arnie goes into the wardrobe and throw all the clothes from the shelves on the floor. Arnie seems not to accept being filmed and I can understand Karla seems to want to persuade him to stay I will not be surprised if this couple leaves the project quickly or only Karla stay in the apartment.
  16. I think Dean has to change shorts, a shred? or a questionable stain? . ..............R.I.P.
  17. Desolate Jabbath I did not see your post, the problem of the black square is that it hides part of the shower, or reduce or change the angle of the cam and remove the square, and thank you for your ticket ...
  18. thank you again I need twitter hoping for a favorable response from them.
  19. I did not want to create polemics, but Kacakdamat first thank you but Jabbath was right a private message was very good but I think you did not know but thanks again
  20. two photos to show that it is time to change the angle of the cam 4 and the cam 7 no need to show Clara and Stas toilets is a good example I do not know how to contact Alex and Lina, if anyone has an idea
  21. a masturbation session that seems to go unnoticed, this scene could be banal, but from Karla is a progress and a hope for the future of this apartment.... .. ... beginning around 01h22 and ending around 01h55
  22. .... Linda seems to say I want more .....
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