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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. This is your words in your post. For some reason it shows up as vortios instead of vortitur. This talks of freedom of expression. I do not see where you asked me where you insulted the girls.
  2. freedom of expression is the basic freedom. You may express yourself all you want. All I say is respect the girls also
  3. Sorry Mrbox you misread it. I said you were one of the good guys that defend the girls. That included everyone including guest.
  4. Vortios, Mrbox and others defend the girls because they cannot defend themselves here. If you cannot understand that, then I am sorry.
  5. euromike, there is a name for what you describe but cannot think of it at the time. What it is that after jacking off to the girls they feel guilty for doing it in thier mind. So to make it seem right to them they say the girls are whores and dirty so it is all right.
  6. What a lot of you guys seem to forget, is that some or all read CC. If they see we are calling them names or talking bad about them they may decide not to give us a show for a while. Just like Jess, if memory serves me right it has been awhile since she has been pantiless in this position. That is it guys I have to get off my high horse, this is getting out of hand. I will shut up for awhile, now.
  7. to Mrbox and Vortitur from what I understand from this the girls are being accused of prostitution. I may be wrong but am going to put my 2 cents in anyway. I have seen no proof that the girls are prostituting in or out of the apt. Without any proof of what they do they should not be accused of it. The girls are brought here to entertain us as if this is real life in the apt. even tho we know it is not. Not all of the girls that come to these apts. can handle what is expectected of them. They should not be bad mouthed and be called bad things just because they are in the apts. When they are out of the apts what they do is their business and only theirs. These girls are like us only human so should be treated with respect until proven without doudt otherwise. Now people you can have fun jumping all over me and this post.
  8. I know I am working on a collection of songs. Have over 2000 from the 50's thru the 70's and have started on another list of what I may have missed.
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