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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Maybe Sia is moving in with her boyfriend. She came home and did not waste anytime packing. do not know if her time is up and if she was leaving in the morning I do not think she would be in such as hurry
  2. Same here Benfold, I am going back and forth. If one screams I check to see if she hurt herself.
  3. Just checked into the sleeping beauties of B1. They are definetly more exciting and fun to watch.
  4. Everyone that dislikes the new apt. or inhabitants should let RLC know as I will be doing. By the way it is your money they are useing,tell them how to use it if you are not satisfied.
  5. Did the 2 girls go out to spend Michelle's newly made money or to the balcony to discuss how much she made?
  6. Mich. bating on her site and she looks bored as can be while bating. Glad I do not go to her site. it would be a waste. Even seeing it on RLC is not worth it.
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