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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Most won't post vids or pics for fear of retaliation from RLC and the banning the ones they catch. Being a freeloader keep an eye on Leora, she does alot of her stuff on free cams.
  2. I was a freeloader for awhile, so I know how it is. I had to finally bite the bullet and join. Being in Ohio I am six hours behind so I still miss a lot that happens early in the day.
  3. nagachilli2 I seldom use the thumbnails. I would rather pick and choose what camera I watch. Watching the thumbnails distracts from watching the one camera
  4. My opinion due to the way they are acting. At one time I was all for Belle, but tonite she is showing her true colors by hiding.
  5. They will probably stay on the balcony until Sia goes to bed. Belle likes attention and with Sia hanging on Mich she is not getting it.
  6. I think Belle was jealous of Sia's attention to Mich. That may be why she is keeping Mich outside till Sia winds down.
  7. Michelle looked at the camera twice while in the bath. The last look kinda looked like she was afraid of being seen on camera.
  8. Took a look at the Michelle thread at B1. From the translation about the pills it sounds as if Belle can hold a grudge when she wants something. Believe there is more to this then what we know. Also that Michelle does not care for Anna as shown by the foot tapping when told she was coming and Belle saying she brings pills and you didn't.
  9. I am probably wrong but after my last post I switched over to B2 and Belle was commenting about something on her phone she read. Wonder if she had just read my post. far fetched but possible.
  10. If Michelle is Belles friend it looks as if Belle is snubbing her. Michelle comes from B1 to visit and party and all Belle does is sit around and not even drink with her. When they go to bed early Belle turns her back to her and does not even talk to her. From what i have seen it is if Belle is tired of her there already.
  11. I think something fishy is going on. The door is still open but Belle took out her contacts and for all purposes is making it look as if they are going to bed. Michelle just glanced out into the living room. Wonder if this is a ruse to get the other two to go to bed? to go to bed?
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