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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. It is early yet. Not even midnight. As Vortios said it will start after 12:00. Usually that is when things really start jumping and closer to 0100.
  2. Belle is not wasting anytime moving her stuff to Becca's room. Do not blame her the least. Go for it Belle.
  3. What is with K & S apt. it looks as if it is empty. Very little in the bedroom and only a laptop and jacket in the living room. The pink skateboard is in the hallway but I do not see the standing sound bar that is usually by the kitchen table. Did RLC kick them out?
  4. Most of the guys in these apt. do not worry about whether their girlfriends or wives enjoy it or not. All they care about is getting off themselves. Saw both Smith and Thomas today and all both were doing was trying to get off , no consideration for Vanessa or Kitty.
  5. Belle quit dancing and picked up her phone. Must be checking with her critics and the reviews. Good going Belle!!
  6. Belle is now checking with her critics. Very good dancing tonite Belle. Rates a very good two thumbs up.
  7. Wonder if certain people on her cam show are told she is on RLC and when they give her a certain amount of tips she does something on RLC's camera's. Maybe one chimed in and said 2000 tips to take off the robe and she did. That would also explain her dancing by herself in the black see thru the other nite for 1 hour.
  8. Just noticed that Kitty is another girl as one in Barca 1 who shall remane nameless wears an oversize bra to make her tits look bigger.
  9. The nite of Lola Belle and Becca was basically a one nite thing. This type of action may not happen again for a long time. So please quit harping you want lesbian action. People are tired of hearing it.
  10. Mikelima if you want lesbian action go here voyeur-villa.com you will have better luck. You are not going to get it in the Barca apts.
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