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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Just got online to see pixie Belle is gone. Farewell and have a happy journey Belle. Hope to see you again and may your journey into life be happy and rewarding for you. Maybe we will be graced with your precence again in the future.
  2. Most likely out for a good meal, a few drinks and some dancing to tease the guys. But a guy can always dream about the last idea.
  3. Sia has been acting very horny lately, wonder if they got a room together so Sia could give Belle her going away present.
  4. Not the smartest way to keep warm when sleeping. The hairdryer could overheat or short out and poof no more Michelle.
  5. Michelle is used to doing her cam shows so is used to getting paid to show or do something. Since RLC customers are not paying her directly for each show she will not do anything. Also RLC may have put a stop to her cam shows since this is a premium apt. whereas Jessica is doing it in a free camera area.
  6. Got my reply from RLC and said no camera on the balcony. They did surprise me and actually ask for suggestions on cam placements. Probably just to make themselves look good. I did give them some suggestions but will probably not see any changes. At least it was a different response from them then the normal one's.
  7. The girls show no respect to the people who pay their wages. So why should we respect their privacy.
  8. Belle did it again. She saw Sia and Mich were getting to close and she pulled Mich away. You could see Mich was not to happy about it
  9. Does not look like it is part of RLC. The camera's images are clearer and the anles of the free cams are better. I have not joined I am waiting to see how it is for awhile. but it looks interesting and is more like the couples apt.
  10. There is a new site out there called Voyeur-house. Has 3 apt. now and a new one coming and premium is onlt 29.95 usd a month. Also they request suggestions.. Might be worth checking out in the future.
  11. I have notified RLC that I was Canceling at the end of this subscription. With the girls hiding and camming and being completly dressed all the time it is boring. Also it is getting to much like VV.
  12. They might as well close B1 & 2 for inactivity. Not even midnite and 3 girls in bed already. One on the couch completely dressed and one hiding behind a blanket. One also has lites blinking in her bedroom to screw up the camera's.
  13. Belle is hiding behind a blanket tonight.She must have read about last nite and is going to punish us now for the bad comments
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