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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Belle screwed up. Lola went in with a horny look on her face and Belle was dancing and jumping around. Lola thru her hands up and walked back out like it was a lost cause.
  2. I think the nite Carol got hers from the other girls there was drugs involved. Without them I do not believe anything would have happened. Myself I do not believe someone should abuse drugs. That is their life they can do as they want and not for me to dictate. I have friends who do drugs and friends that do not and they get treated the same. If these girls feel they want or need to use drugs who are we to say they can't or contact RLC like a kid telling on someone else. Let them do as they want with the drugs and booze.
  3. So very conveniant that the nite vision just happens to be out in the room with 2 girls in the same bed.
  4. Carol has her butt aimed at the camera good but she has it covered to much. Wish she would show it off better.
  5. Concerning what Zinc said about the girls reading cc. Yesterday I made a comment about Carols butt having a good view in cam 12. She immediatly changed positions so her butt was towards the closet. So i believe they read cc to see what people are saying.
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