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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Could be also that Carolina is bulimic and is taking something to puke up what she eats to stay skinny.
  2. Anna just wants Carol to herself but not for sex just as a friend I think. She needs to leave it is time.
  3. It may go a little farther with just two of the girls. Carol looks willing but there are to many girls.
  4. From the looks of it Belle does not have the maturity for this. She mainly watches instead of joining in.
  5. RLC must have contacted Lola for she got up and looked in the living room for Belle. Did not see her and went to bed. Did not bother to check if she might be in the restroom.
  6. Contacted RLC about the treatment of Belle being left on the couch to sleep without even a blanket. I see Stella claimed her spot real fast in Lola's bed so she would be comfortable.
  7. Lola brings the candles out and off with the lites. Now the cams will keep flicking back and forth
  8. Nothing is going to happen. Lola has the least on and will not want anyone stealing her limelight.
  9. Have already complained to RLC more than once about the balcony. All I get is thanks for the suggestion.
  10. I was making an observation on what I saw. I know Belle does not have her own room per say. She is sharing a room with Anna. I also know they hang out with each other at each apt.
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