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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Wonder if Belle is moving into Barca2? She is acting like she lives there. Also Megan seems to be jealous of Belle. Where did Carolina go?
  2. Megan took a cover into her bedroom and Stella came in and took it and then went out and took polya seat next to Lola when she got up.
  3. Looks like they decided to leave us out of this fun. looks like everyone is going to leave. If so the rest of the nite will be a bust.
  4. Could be a toothbrush holder. When Becca laid on the bed in just a towel and bra Megan looked at her and made a hasty exit.
  5. Looks like Becca is going to be leaving soon. Time up or does she feel bad about the other nite and not want to continue?
  6. Looks like Lola just leaned over to smell her bathtub and made a face afterwards as if she did not like it.
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