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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. This does not bode well for someone. Milena just took two of the guys outside in the hall to discuss tactics.
  2. Lima is unpacking groceries in the kitchen and Belle put her jacket back on. Is Belle going out again?
  3. I guess we are gonna get punished everyone is out on the balcony. Lola went into her room and grabbed her coat. May be a long nite.
  4. Besides that she is not feeling well. I emailed RLC about Lola kicking her out of bed when she is sick.
  5. Would someone be kind and pm me last nites preceedings. Went to bed with it recording and it froze up and lost it. If not I will understand.
  6. Stella reading something and smiling. Already told RLC I am not renewing due to tonights joke.
  7. As many as possible has to complain of no balcony cams in a premium apt. before RLC will do anything. They need to know they can lose money.
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