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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. I know how both girls are. I am going to give each the chance to show if they have changed or what before I pass judgement. Who knows this could be a new era of in apt. heaven or it could be RLC's downfall.
  2. I go to bed and wake to Jasmin and Polya joining Barca apts. Would have liked a couple new very lovely ladies but I can handle seeing these two. What is going to happen I am almost afraid to guess. It is going to be party heaven or it is going to be Dullsville Inn. I believe RLC is trying to figure out how to keep people happy and subscribing. They now have some competition with 2 new sites, so they need to get creative.
  3. Kylie's name may not be with Stella's for a simple reason. Now that Belle has the big bed Kylie is going to B2 and share Belles bed.
  4. With B2 UM and no new name, I wonder what kind of trrouble Belle got into in the apt. this time? To early to be drunk and setting fires, maybe she overflowed her new bathtub?
  5. Thanks Noldus my mind gets a little fuzzy at times. I remember now that you remind me of seeing Irma walk in.
  6. Naga now you know that it takes at least 20 min. to get settled in and the clotheing off. Then you have to add the 30 sec. to jump in bed.
  7. If you watch the preview cams on Camarads you will see it looks as if two of the girls are cam girls. One you can tell she definately is.
  8. With two head injuries it could very well be the root of your memory problems. They have found concussions and head injuries can cause memory loss.
  9. This was brought up awhile back about Belle having sex with a B2 occupant and I stated the same thing and others agreed hearing her say it after the magic water parties. I could very well be wrong. Also I am not saying you are wrong Harley. Because I can only go by my memory which is foggy at times.
  10. Angel could possible be in Barca a few days after her time is up on RLC. She was gone a few days, five I think. If she has the multiple entry visa she could be in Barca those extra days she was gone until her 90 day limit. It is very possible I could be wrong though.
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