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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. I think we need 4 lesbians. two for the big bed in B1 and 2 for the big bed in B2 when Angel leaves. That way Harley would have to rejoin.
  2. No matter how much we speculate, RLC is going to throw a curve ball into all our thinking. They could bring a repeater and a new girl to B1 to share the big bed. The way people are wanting some les fun, they could be both Bi or into girls only. Whatever it is it probably will not be what we expect.
  3. Bite your tongue. It says girls on vacation. Not boys on vacation. You would probably see a mass exodus of viewers of B1 if that were to happen.
  4. Morning everyone. Just got done going through 18 pages from last nite. Sounds as if poor Belle had a rough nite. Looks alright this morning tho. I remember those days well. Spent more time in the bar than at work and I was working full time. Woke up with my normal hangover one morning and said thats it. More years than I want to count without a drop. Now I may have A beer or A glass of wine once in awhile but that is my max at a time. See B1 is under UM and the twins are gone. Wonder if they are bringing in someone new or have the 3 girls there alone.
  5. The way the girls are acting I may not make it through the nite. Be still my beating heart. Slow down now.
  6. I'm back guys and looks like just in time for a group kitty wash. Could not hold off on renewing any longer.
  7. This is how to handle BB's post. He has the right to post all he wants. What I do is read the posts of his I want to read. When BB gets a little to happy about Belle and goes crazy posting, I just scan or pass over some of his post. If you have a problem with his post you can contact one of the mods about it and see how far you get. Glad you are happy as hell BB you have been waiting for awhile. My sub expired the other aday and have not renewed, to much work to day. So I missed Belle but glad you did not. Have a good day BB and happy viewing of Belle.
  8. They must not want us to see the twin having fun . LR cams not working or cams 5& 6. Wonder if she is bating, getting it on with her girlfriend or boyfriend or both
  9. morning everyone. well looks as if everyone is home. I take it nothing happened early this morning. With this new combining both apts. into one forum there are to many pages to try and catch up on. Trying to catch up on 15, 20 pages just does not work. well that is all for my morning rant.
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