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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Might as well go back to bed. The most exciting thing is someone may decide to take a shower before they go out.
  2. Angel has her arm around Rose and it patting her head softly. You would almost think they were more than friends.
  3. Naga Belle acts as if someone has turned her on to drugs. My ex acted a lot like this when she was doing coke.she was a dancer and got hooked up with a dealer. by the time we got divorced she was doing prostitution to pay for the coke and weed and moved in with her dealer. I am not saying Belle is on coke, just that she has been experimenting pretty hard. Such as the way she was this morning after changing and going out to the balcony to see Stella. She had that scared unsure where she was look in her room. I hope like hell she does not go hard, it is not pretty.
  4. Morning everyone thought I would check in for a moment. Looks like Belle brought Stella home. It looks like Belle is getting cleaned up and leave again. Hope not, this is hard enough on BB as it is. She needs to stay home for awhile and preferrably awake.
  5. I'm am sad BB that Belle is acting so bad this time. She needs a shot of stay home and play juice. But am afraid she is past the point of no return.
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