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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. I would not blame you BB. You have to admit though the way it has happened with Belle being gone and sleeping so much. But I do not think they would have put her in B1 tho.
  2. Wonder if RLC got pissed with Belle and brought in a new girl. Do not think they have ever brought one in at this time of nite. The girls did not act as if a new girl was coming. { just teasing BB about Belle} sorry BB could not resist.
  3. What in the hell is a new girl in B1 for? Who is she going to sleep with? Wonder who she is going to replace? Now how long under UM? So many questions and so few answers.
  4. Naga why are you telling all these wild stories? According to meran it was the investment bankers having a meeting.
  5. Maybe RLC got so many complaints that B2 is being monitored now. If so they could have seen Belle was getting ready to go out and texted her to stay in. I doubt it but a thought. RLC does not care about us.
  6. Now I have a big problem. I have some work here that needs to be done and would take a couple of hours. But yet we have all three girls in panties and ready to party. Oh woe is me what shall I do?
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