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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Thanks Benfold was not sure cam was on or not. only that she did something on her laptop right after she was done.
  2. The reason I think here cam was on was when she gotb done she got up and did something on her laptop. The way she does her shows It could be a wide angle cam. But it is possible the cam was not on. Just going by what I saw.
  3. can only think of 2 words for this Jess HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Nagachilli behave yourself now before Nichole finds out your cheating on her and cuts you off. You are getting way to greedy. leave some for the others.
  5. Karol has officially left the building. Good luck Karol in all you do, hello Angelina good luck in your stay with us all.
  6. No problem letting her go, I do not get that attached. What I said is she is not gone officially until her name is off the list of girls in B2.
  7. It does not bother me one way or the other if Karol leaves. But how do you know 100% that she is leaving.?
  8. I really liked Karol and who knows, if they bring in a new girl she may be even better then Karol? If Karol is gone I look forward to the new girl. But until the fat lady sings and Karol's name is removed from the list , she is not gone. When her name is gone then she is gone. Maybe she told them if they do not fix the heat and hot water correctly she was leaving. So they are under UM to actually fix things properly. Who knows?
  9. I really liked Karol and who knows, if they bring in a new girl she may be even better then Karol? If Karol is gone I look forward to the new girl. But until the fat lady sings and Karol's name is removed from the list , she is not gone. When her name is gone then she is gone. Maybe she told them if they do not fix the heat and hot water correctly she was leaving. So they are under UM to actually fix things properly. Who knows?
  10. Hell Naga my Idea was far fetched, but a hell of a lot more optimistic. Also better then shit in China
  11. Got to thinking and that is always a bad thing. With Nora leaving people feel that maybe Karol would get her room. Then it is also said Danaya went out on what might be Karol's last nite if she does not get Nora's room. Here is a far fetched idea. What if Danaya AND Karol were to get Nora's old room. Irma and Danaya are all chummy and Danaya would not be down and lost at B2. Estelle would get one of the empty rooms and they could bring someone new in. Danaya and Irma would probably end up sharing a room since they have become so close. Far fetched but possible.
  12. Kiko falling a sleep on Nora and her packing. I have said before that I believe it was Nora and Irma together that turned the 2 Barca's around from where they were going. I do not think just one of them could have done it alone. Also Nora was different then she was before. Seemed to mellow out a lot. Also she is very easy to look at.
  13. very much look like Nora is leaving. She has one closet empty and suitcases packed. Must be going where it is warmer? She is packing winter coats in a vacuum storage bag.
  14. Ok guys found out where Irma is. 3 guys, a girl and Irma rented a room for a few hours. They have a real hot game of Majhong going and It is to see who is the best Majhong player. It may even be an all nite game. Really hot to watch.
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