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  1. If anyone thinks what I said was over the top tough fucking shit. Nastya is so full of shit it isn't even funny by any means and the crap she pulled off with Voyeur Villa was uncalled for and she deserves everything she gets. She lies constantly, manipulates people, ignores all rules when it pleases her and the list goes on and on. She is a useless, pathetic human being with no remorse for what she does. There should be a special place for people like her. Now with 27 days left on a Premium Account there is an empty room in Sofia because she decides it's a great idea to move in with her crackhead boyfriend/cousin whatever the fuck he is. Fuck her, fuck him, fuck them, they deserve each other. That's about all I have to say about that.
  2. Yup Yup I agree. I am done watching her and fed up with her shenanigans. I would sooner spend my money on a turtle and get more from watching it. At least the turtle would have more intelligence. Natsya's mother must be sooo proud of her little princess. Too bad she doesn't know what kind of daughter she has.
  3. Yup Yup I agree. I am done watching her and fed up with her shenanigans. I would sooner spend my money on a turtle and get more from watching it. At least the turtle would have more intelligence.
  4. Good riddance from Voyeur Villa Nastya. Have fun screwing over Voyeur House.
  5. I wish nothing but the best for Nastya in here new place like maybe some of the best stds. What a dumb bimbo. From hot to not.
  6. I really hope that Bella and Serg get a great set of roommates or roommate that will make the best of this opportunity. Bella has come a really, really long way since the beginning of her stay and I actually don't mind her and Serg. They are a typical couple not like some of the others.
  7. Mr. Fixit wow, wow. I haven't seen him on here in ages. He is so awesome. He treats everyone so good.
  8. Nastya should just pack her shit and fuck off to Voyeur House. I am pretty sure most of us have put up with enough of her bullshit on Voyeur Villa since she has been in Sofia. I am sure Voyeur House would take her with open arms so she can piss people off there too. She walks around like there isn't anything wrong with a stupid ass smug smile on face. I have never disliked anyone so much on Voyeur Villa as much as I do her and I was her for the Voro Vin experience which says a lot. She is a scam artist, nothing more nothing less.
  9. People like her don't deserve opportunities like this one she has on VV.
  10. I said this once about Tula with all the crap that went on there now I guess it applies here too. You can hide from the camera but you cant hide from the sound. Nothing happened my ass. Nastya can't weasel her way out of every situation. It's live and on the internet. I heard you guys.
  11. That could vary well be the room they are in. People on the VH forum are complaining about one of the cams not being there and missing a lot.
  12. It's late here I am going to bed but if you keep watching that one apartment you will see them emerge at some point. Guaranteed. Goodnight, peoples.
  13. In the VH Anton and Polina apartment do you see Nastya and Candyman anywhere, in any of the rooms because if you don't you should. It means they found a hiding spot in that apartment also. I know for a fact they are in there.
  14. I have a video of Candyman and Nastya together in that apartment getting all up on each other, lol
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