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Everything posted by hayaxi

  1. Leia is out off camera range, she did pick up something from the closet. And Karol might be tempted to bate
  2. I wish one of the cameras on Leias room was from the side Same goes for a few other rooms aswell
  3. Is it on my end, or do this apartment need to buffer the cameras a few times? For me, non of the camera are at the same time, at worst I have seen 20 secounds difference
  4. I got the same problem. Turn out if was one of my addons that was making RLC not working in incognito mode. Just turn it off, and now it works
  5. I would like to see two options when re-newing. One for all cameras, and no replay. And one options with all cameras with replay. Not sure how many subscribers RLC have, but I guess its enough to offer a lower prize for just camera access and still make a profit. And have a all-inclusive offer for bigger income.
  6. Can someone that was here during the night sum up last 44 pages with a few words or comment? My last post was at page 207, and than I went to work.
  7. Forgot most of there names. Huge thanks for the photos. Truth be told, I was not a huge fan of BC1 or BC2 at that time.
  8. I am so tempted to call in sick. But I need to head off to work. I will feel sorry for myself tomorrow morning reading all the comments about how the night went on.
  9. I got online like 22 min ago, see a vibrator on her bed, and her in the shower. And I just "Did I miss that?!?!" Wow, just got online at the best possible time
  10. Anyone know what cleaning company they use? Want to hire them after new-years eve :P Who is the 4. girl in the apartment?
  11. I know, but I was just wondering regarding tenants of RLC. Why do you think I have a lot of LifeStraw?
  12. I don`t think Lima joined them shopping. OF: Do all tenant buy water? I feel like they all only drink water from store, and not tap water. For me, I never buy water to drink at home, I use tap. I might in rare cases buy water when out, or on the road.
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