The question is, "What is she doing?"
Answer: Acting like a drunk bitch and going to get the boat owner/captain, busted too.
YouTube sucks for blocking those ass shots. That's what true voyeurism is all about.
These dumb fuck TikTok mechanics don't know oil from water. Just wet behind the ears kids that want their 15 minutes of fame.
I have 2 EcoBoost powered vehicles. One in which was the first EcoBoost in production and is 13 years old. The other is 7 years old and, (knock on wood) both are awesome smooth running trouble free vehicles. The oldest one eats Hemi's through the intake and shits them out through the exhaust.
I'll take my Fords over any of the GM junk produced over the last 20 years. The rest of you can buy an EV.
Not necessarily. All oil has a base stock used. It is just ultra refined and the additives in it are fully synthetic. But to put a straight weight oil (meaning non-detergent) into an engine that requires a multi-viscosity oil is asking for trouble. Today's engines aren't like the old Briggs and Stratton engines of yesteryear. The tolerances are so much tighter and you need that ultra refined oil that gets into these clearances and stays there.
It really isn't funny if you live here. It's fucking embarrassing. The entire civilized world is laughing at the US. From our so called leadership to the funding of atrocities around the world that are being kept secret.
Our entire government, except for the Military needs to be removed and replaced and for the most part defunded. It is waaaaaay too big and unsustainable.
I agree. But, chat rooms should be allowed in a forum based offering. It takes away form the forum and it's participants.
If you want a private forum, email each other.