Lora and Max's cat is cool. I'm not a cat lover per se, but that one is a neat looking cat. Like Nora's Golden Mix, cool dog. He just want to play all of the time.
And when you figure out what I said in the English language you'll be better off.
There was a joke there, but you chose to be rude. I consider the source.
It can be a good or a bad thing that they look at these boards. A lot of you admire and praise these girls. This is a good thing.
But when they get those that come along and say nasty things it works against all of the good. Even the guys can take a hint and see what others are seeing. We watch the inattentiveness of some. How they ignore or even mistreat their mates.
I would like to see them all registered so that we can 'speak' to them like we do to each other here. But then I see that to be a major negative in a way. The board would be an endless sentence of 'Oh ____ I love you, you are so beautiful, how can he treat you this way.' and shit like that.
Just sayin'.
If it smells like fish, it's a dish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.
Personally, I never had any that smelled like fish. I think I'd have to bow out if I did. I never could figure out how that got started. :-\
Well hell. I came in second on this one. But I think the winners count was freeped. The rest of us are all within a few points of each other. So I guess I should feel good about this.
But no. Oh boo-hoo, I have 49 negatives. That means that my life is now over. Oh boo-hoo. ;D
As I was skim reading, I thought that this said, 'I'd love to taste her panties.', and I'm thinking to myself, 'She might taste a whole lot better than her panties.'
I'd be willing to bet that she does.
Well, whoever it is, make sure they can at least get a wimper or a moan out of her. She'd be like fucking a corpse.
I dated a girl once that I banged so hard she asked why. I said I was trying to get a reaction out of her. She was too quiet. It was as bad as Isabel. Not a peep. She said she didn't want to wake up the kids. :-\
Needless to say, we never went out again.
Damn. Squirrel. You shocked me on that one. Maybe the 'own' option doesn't mean possessivly, but as in basically said, "You've been royally fucked", terms.
I'd have to really think to answer all of them. The 'pushing down the stairs' is a rough one. I don't need to hurt anyone.
Unless they hurt me or my close ones first. THEN...paybacks are a bitch. As they say in the Islands, 'You be a dead man walking'.