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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Ok, I'm puzzled,.. She went to bedroom grabbed pillow and wrestled away sheet from Paul, but during that she laughed? But I knew a guy once who was very dangerous, and just before he would do something dastardly he would laugh first. A real strange sort of laugh.
  2. I'm picking up on telepathy. It will be a sad face with a tear running down her cheek, with a lot of limp dicks all around her. Might even end up at Sotherby's some day.
  3. It's a painting she's going to call 'Tears of Rage' It ought to be a good one.
  4. No, I think she's drawing instead,.. It is a good way to take your mind off things.
  5. Dear Paul, I loved you, I still love you, and I suppose I will always care for you,.. but for right now as far as I'm concerned you can go fuck yourself. Leora
  6. Just what I was thinking,.. The biggest 'Sorry John' I would have ever seen. Yipes!
  7. She apparently had one of her little stuffed animals with her while she was looking at the computer, and yes, she has been crying. If only Paul,.. Oh what's the use, then he wouldn't be Paul. But he was awake when he saw Leora take the computer and leave the bedroom. He should have said something like,.. "Hold on a second missy, I'm not through with you yet, and your not leaving her until I see you beaming with a smile, got it!" But,..
  8. She does have her good points,.. I even watched her iron that oafs shirt for him. He's just a goof,.. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to play the role here, not at the age that I am right now. But he just need's to get her excited, and it sure isn't by hiding himself under a blanket while he timidly has sex with her.
  9. She's listening to Rap or Hip hop,.. Not a good sign at this time of night.
  10. Paul isn't phased though,.. He's conked out after all that exertion.
  11. She's either looking up causes for the limp dick syndrome, or she's watching Cam Caps to see what others thought of that most recent non-event that took place between Paul and herself. Hell, I don't know,.. But she does seem pretty distraught over something.
  12. Yes, I can translate some of what's been said,.. Kiko:..'Well, we really put it over on them didn't we sis?" "They actually thought that there was something going on between us,.. HAR HAR HAR" "They should have known that there wouldn't be anything that exciting going on around here, and those acting classes sure did come in handy in this little farce of ours,.. HAR HAR HAR."
  13. She went straight for the computer after the non-event sex they just had. She might be looking up limp dick syndrome, the cause or cure. Or frankly I don't know what else,.. but she does seem pretty distraught.
  14. Well, So much for high hopes that something new or exciting might happen around this place. One big Dud!
  15. I don't know,.. But the new girl isn't that camera shy, in fact I think she likes the cameras.
  16. I think there is something up with the new girl and Kiko. I think Nora has given consent to it. The other night Kiko put his hand on new girls leg, and even though she pushed it off, Nora didn't get upset with Kiko. And look at how close and touchy she has gotten with Kiko now.
  17. No, I'm sorry to say that I am not very good with computers, and don't know how to do those things.
  18. I'm impressed. How I wish I had that ability. I do know that the two girls were talking about sex when Kiko was asleep in the bedroom the other night,.. Not because I know the language, but because of Nora using had gestures to show the other girl how small some guys dick was, then after some laughter, the new girl started to make humping gestures on the couch,.. again more laughter. But who knows, maybe it will lead to something that is no laughing matter.
  19. If the conversation should hit on something interesting,.. Please let us know. Must be great to be able to actually understand them.
  20. Oh,.. I get it,.. He'll take care of Kiko, while the two girls run off any play with each other.
  21. The prospects between the four of them has me singing,.. "Swing low sweet chariot,.. someone for to carry me home."
  22. Well I've got to hand it to Nora, she has managed to wrestle back the attention that Leora had temporarily stolen from her, with the new girl and her boyfriend now. Could make for exciting times for tonight, and who knows what may take place in the comfortable future between the four of them.
  23. But don't you think her bald boyfriend will get jealous when he see's her hair down there?
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