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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Nothing I have read leads me to believe that Serafima and Ariana are getting close. What I do read is how Serafima always delays the inevitable!!
  2. You're not going to see shit!! The only thing you might see is them being totally off camera more when it is more safe to go to bars and clubs.....if that ever happens again!!
  3. I'm sorry Noldus but the reintroduction of border control be it temporary or not, does not mean that people cannot travel to and from their own country. What it does mean however, is that people that do travel have to go through a rather lengthly quarantine process and sometimes costly process depending upon results of the Covid test and this applies to everywhere they go. So in a nutshell, it's a pain in the ass to travel but people can still travel.
  4. I respect your opinion but it just didn't work for me!! As for the restrictions, that's only a small fragment of it. I know someone that travels all over and it's all about the quarantining process that deters people from traveling.
  5. Recycling is the RLC way so don't worry, she'll be back!!
  6. LOL OK Mr Spanky! Personally, I don't think Covid has anything to do with it....just my opinion of course. It's too easy for everyone to blame Covid for the laziness of RLC. People can still travel around the world but have to go through a quarantine process when they reach their destinations. N&B are behind what is going on in Barcelona and they are getting their group set up the way they want it. Worst thing for RLC and Barcelona is N&B and that's the truth!!
  7. How can I be writing her off? FFS I don't even watch the chick Spanky. If truth be known from me at least, I think once a girl has had her shot at stardom on RLC, I think they should never be seen from again!!
  8. Well, just a hunch on my part but when she gets home I'm willing to be that the clothes that were bought for her by someone will be the clothes she has on when she comes home...like I said, just a hunch. I was told in speculation on this viewers part that she was meeting up with whomever bought her the clothes and food and maybe it was a woman, who knows...but it's really nothing more or nothing less. Just asking questions Ash, that's all.
  9. Any kind of bush makes a woman look like a woman!!
  10. I asked that question to him and he told me that both Megan and Aleksandra waved to them not only from the kitchen but from Megans balcony as well. Not only that, who brought the MacDonalds for one and the new clothes to her? In other words....tell me what you apparently didn't see LMAO!!
  11. I thought he said yesterday, it might have been the day before. If you have replay, go back and see when the outside cameras were UM and also look for her going into the garage while they were there and retrieving a bad that had MacDonald's (for one person) in it along with some new clothes.......i can't make this shit up, it's all right there in front of every viewer!!
  12. LMAO, the forum was a long, laughable read but my thumbs up went to Alladino with his exaggeration comment.
  13. FFS Dr. OZ....give it a fucking rest please!! The script writers for RLC used to work for Saturday Night Live and if that doesn't explain enough, then nothing will. N&B are all about the drama and shows and one day you will wake up and realize that or maybe when you reach puberty!!
  14. This is my .02 whether you want it or not. I just spent over an hour catching up on 90 pages of the events of this house and how a lot of you think it was the best events to ever take place on RLC since sliced bread! Not being a viewer leaves me wide open for criticism and bashing but I'm a person that can take it. The events that took place (N&M/H&A) were all planned from the get go and if you think anything different, you're wrong. Bogdan was sent packing by Sergeant Nelly with said plan firmly in progress. The usual party bath took place with the snacks, then the parings took place just like they were supposed too. I'm sure the sex between N&M was great because they are top show persons, personally I would have rather watched H&A if I had my choice. Why was it so awesome? Well, when you read the forum and you're not a viewer, you seem to get more out of what has gone on and let me tell you, for the last several months it has been quite the borefest on RLC. So I can see where some of you children might have got your rocks off by what took place because it was something that was really needed. You people are a funny lot that's for damn sure!!
  15. Girls pissing on their beds just to make you perves happy...what a glorious life they lead!!
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