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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Who really knows who's right with any of these tenants, like EM said...for the most part they only say what they want you to hear and they only show you what they want to show you. Pretty simple really.
  2. @EMMETT111 They have been together for at least 9 years or there about....how could he not care?
  3. He knows about her sleeping around as it was also mentioned during the conversation I was talking about. Somebody that is way more into Martina & Alberto's RLC life would have to fill you in on the conversation. My personally, it just doesn't matter to me. It seems like all these people sleep around from what I've seen and been told, so in the grand scheme of things.....it's just a fragment!!
  4. I seriously doubt she would ever be with another guy on camera as long as her and Alberto are still an item.
  5. Yes you should have known!! It's great, cuz now all the BS Barcelona apartments will get their righteous name!!
  6. I don't know what you saw but if it was something that wouldn't have happened if Alberto was there, then what else can you call it?
  7. I'm sorry but someone else is going to have to help you with that. I'm just going off of what I read on the forum and I wish I could tell you what thread it's in but I honestly don't remember.
  8. Can't help you with the "ti amo" part but her sleeping with other men while being with Alberto is something I read on hear that came from someone translating a conversation she had with somebody......I think a conversation that happened in BS4. So to answer your question, she does sleep around with other men! Sorry Nagga, but I like the way you put that "S" in there on one of your posts so I will be using it from now on!!
  9. Give me a hotdog with mayo, mustard, chili, purple onions, and grated cheddar any day!!
  10. I'm all for your optimism Moose, it's just that the more she sleeps around (that is not something I'm making up) outside the apartment WILL catch up to her one day with how Alberto feels about it. It's been said on here that she could do better but they have been together for 9 years, I believe that's what was translated, and eventually she is going to find the guy that rocks her world and then Alberto will be left out in the cold. Optimism is great but realism is better!
  11. Come over baby whole lot of batein' goin' on Yes, I said come over baby...baby you can't go wrong We ain't fakin', whole lot of batein' goin' on
  12. IMO B&N is the whole problem and should be made to leave ASAP!! Get the GOV's back to being GOV's without any males as tenants!
  13. The night is young here, I'm just going on a drive with my lady friend. She has been wanting to go down the "Ghost Road" and since a buddy of mine told me I was right on getting there, that's what we are going to do. Hell, we might even end up in Louisiana to do a little gambling afterwards. However Rosey, goodnight to you sir!!
  14. I'm not ALWAYS trying to piss everyone off....I do have my favorites!! Yes, the sarcasm stick is pretty damn powerful but I've recently started taking a new med and it's going to be awfully tough to get me riled up. So do what you need to do and let's see how that works!!
  15. you trying to stir the pot mate? you're going to need extra sticks is all I gotta say!!
  16. Why you say sadly? I don't need to see the same girl bate over and over again. Some people may need it but I don't. I'm quite content where I'm at these days! An occasional video here and there and same with a few pictures here and there. Even if I wasn't getting the occasional pics and vids, I still wouldn't join RLC for all the FUCKING REPEATS!!!
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