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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Look Nagme, I'm just tired of everyone blaming the pandemic for the laziness of RLC. Pandemic or not, there is no excuse to have these same boring ass tenants on camera for as long as they have been. Would it probably cost them a little more money to make the changes, possibly, but they like not having to worry about it. That's strongly how I feel and you all are taking the piss because of it!! To hell with a fly by the seat of your pants site like RLC!!!
  2. No sir, there is just nothing I want to see in RLC anymore. They turned me off when they started repeating the girls, I've never liked that and never will !!
  3. If it came down to a girl like Serafima, Monica, or Milwaukee in the boob department, I'd pick Milwaukee 7 days a week and twice on Sunday's!! I prefer smaller boobed women if truth be known.
  4. I have lost all respect for Monica....not that I really had any mind you. Monica are you that desperate that you need the BS shows in B5? You need to learn how to stay in your own damn apartment and leave them boring ass couples alone!!
  5. Well, I just got through watching a 20 minute clip of her in the bathroom, I guess after she got home in the morning. I must say that if I was a subscriber, I would follow her every move as long as her guy isn't always with her. Loved her whole body and especially her pointy boobs....could suckle them all night!! She is very cute and almost makes me want to sub again but unfortunately with the money they charge, one girl is not enough!!
  6. Monica is just like the dogs that follow the bunny around the track....
  7. Y'all have a good night!! I'll catch up before bed when I get back from my drive with my neighbor. Until then.....keep your holes clean!!
  8. Sera has been in the RLC background for a long long time. She is one of the....do as I say and don't fuck with me girls!
  9. That poor Serafima never catches a break.....did someone say break...one break, coming up!
  10. DD, I know we don't agree on a lot of stuff when it comes to RLC vs. your life, but I love yah man! I just wish we could see a more humorous side to Donny Darko He Man.....have some fun with us DD!!
  11. Yes, I bet I have watched that movie at least 25 to 30 times. As a matter of fact, I have recorded on my DVR and when there is nothing else on worth watching and I'm in a mood to watch a funny movie, I put the Dude on!!
  12. He's very slow, he turns 18 tomorrow and he will watch it then LMAO..........just messing with you DD, please point that gun somewhere else 🙂
  13. It's one great movie that's for sure Ashley. Yes the scene with the ashes was priceless!! Here's a lines I love...... This aggression will not stand man Obviously, you're not a golfer The Dude abides Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion man I'm the Dude, so that's what you call me.....or uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or Duderino...if you're not all into the brevity thing At least I'm house broken to name a few.....great movie!!
  14. It really doesn't matter how much her mom knows about the viewers liking her, Kitty will never exploit her mom to the world!!
  15. That should be sign enough to stay away and save your money!!
  16. Somebody needs to make a poll as to whether Milwaukee & The Dude will have sex on their first night
  17. Don't you wish there were other things you could be on top of Noldus? Good job by the way!
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