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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. You are right about one thing, Milena doesn't do much! Monica is a show girl and you have already forgotten this apparently. Amira, is like Milena, she doesn't do much either but way more of a show girl than Milena is! This is my last post for today in the Barca threads and after this post you can reach me at the "girls of barcelona" thread in the rants and flame wars section.
  2. I think your fellow chatters have every right to be unfair to RLC. If RLC can bring back all the repeats, they can surely bring in NEW girls. People have got to stop using the pandemic as an excuse for the miserable fucking RLC assholes! That is exactly right, how can they bring in all the repeats but can't bring in NEW people, and before anybody says anything about it....it's not because of the pandemic!!
  3. Let the stupid, silly ass shows begin. What a total waste of time RLC has become!
  4. He has every reason to be! It is pure shit what they are doing!!
  5. Hallelujah...I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way!! Thank you Canito!!! Damira is a has been, you've already seen what she has to offer so why do you people keep wanting to see the same girls over and over again. You should be focusing on new girls and telling RLC they need new girls and not the same old recycled matter!!
  6. LOL...yeah, i'm that guy! Yes, he knows we all care and the embarrassment part is probably the issue. We've talked about that part of it before but never really got down to the bottom of it. A new approach is needed and the softer approach Dave mentioned is worth trying for sure. Thanks for the support!!
  7. Hi Dave, I think you are right and a softer approach is needed by myself and his loved ones. We all tend to be a little more hard on the subject with him than we probably need to be. I will talk to everyone and get them to agree to try a softer approach and see how it works. Thanks for the advice Dave, much appreciated!!
  8. Thank you Naga, I will always continue to ask him about things that might have led up to his seizures such as proper rest, diet, and medications taken. He knows this simply because I have been doing it ever since he was diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of 9...he is now 34. I guess I just need to work on my approach because as all of you know, I can be quite an in your face kind of guy at times especially when it comes to my family and friends. I have always been known as the one to ask when you want the brutal truth lol. We have managed it so far Naga and he knows I care and knows he can expect me questioning him after he has a seizure. Maybe I need to wait a few days before I do it next time but that always scares me that something will be missed. One of the things with epilepsy medication is it causes the user to forget many things that just happened in a day or two...case in point, I asked him late last night what he did Saturday night...the seizure happened on Sunday and he couldn't remember what he did the night before. It's just very frustrating and something I need to work on apparently. Thanks for your reply Naga!
  9. Yes, thank you Foamy, I misspoke on the EKG...It was an EEG and not an EKG. I guess I should have went back and read what I was about to post, I would have caught that! I was just shook up by this seizure because it was the longest one he's ever had, he was in full seize mode for over 3 minutes and from what I was told, he looked really bad, deep purple coloration from lack of oxygen and lots of blood. The blood came from him almost biting the last 1/4 inch of his tongue off. I was also told later that he didn't seem like his usual self that whole day, when he was trying to put gas in his lawnmower, he was shaking so bad he was spilling it everywhere which should have been a major clue that something was coming and fortunately my buddy who is living with him understood this but didn't want to hover over him all day because my son would have noticed this and would have asked him...WTF? Totally understandable to a person in his condition and he's has gotten on to me for doing it in the past. We have tried our best to get more help but as an Epileptic, one would have to have at minimum a seizure a day to warrant it. I don't want to appear ignorant here but what kind of procedures are you referring to exactly? I've wanted him to seek other neurologist's for any differences in opinions or new treatments they might have but he is very stubborn and just says that he likes the neurologist he already has. Love and support is about the only thing I know I can do. He's a grown man with a good job and he will be the first to tell you so lol. I'm probably 90% the blame because i am overly cautious about many things he does in his life and I go overboard with safety measures he should take while doing them. For instance, when he goes skydiving there isn't much I can do but pray that he makes it down safely, but when he goes deep sea fishing I can make sure that someone will have an eye on him at all times and that he wears a very slim fitting life jacket that inflates when it hits the water in case he tumbles overboard during a seizure....sorry, i'm just anal that way!! Thanks for your reply Foamy, always appreciated!!
  10. I think the one's with the blue balls are the viewers and not the guys she brings around. I think she knows quite well before they ever show up, what her chances are and with Irma, she's been around since scientists figured out that the world is not flat and she has never really showed any signs of having hetero sex with any guy. Why you all are still surprised by the outcome is beyond me!!
  11. Hello anyone that reads this. Today at approximately 2:30 PM my son had one of the worst seizures he has ever had. My daughter called me at 2:41 PM to let me know because my buddy knew I was taking a nap to go to dinner at my son's house later in the day. This seizure was bad because he was totally out of it for a little over 3 minutes. He was dark purple and didn't know anybody when he was coming out of it. A neighbor of his is a nurse and she convinced my daughter to let an ambulance take him to the emergency room due to how hard a time he was having coming out of the seizure. The ER checked his blood and performed an EKG and both came back normal which was a big relief. They got in touch with his neurologist and she had them give him another dose of his seizure meds. About 4.5 hours later he was released and his sister packed him an overnight bag so that she could keep and eye on him. She sent me a text about 15 minutes ago telling me that he is very shaky, worse than she has ever seen from any of his multiple seizures. His sister called me on the way to her house to let me know that he would be spending the night so she could keep and eye on him. During that call was the first time that I have heard his voice since Friday around lunch time. As I always do, I start asking him questions to try and help with what might have caused this seizure. He immediately went off on me and showed no sign of concern. My question to you all is, am I over thinking this or should I just not care? He knows that anytime he has a seizure that he is going to go through the Spanish Inquisition because that is what all the experts told us to do when we went to an Epilepsy camp. So, not having his mother anymore, it is only myself and his sister that care enough to take notes from what all might have transpired before his seizure. My main question is, "Why do we care when they don't?" Am I over reacting? Should I approach all this from a different angle? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! My anxiety is off the charts and I am stressed out to the max!
  12. WOW...you must be desperate if you think either one of those girls are hot! There is not one really hot girl on RLC right now!
  13. Thank you Ze, I was just speaking for my observations and how I feel about such. The posters of this forum should always post what they feel and have observed and it should be read and replied to, good or bad. I don't dislike Kitty, I don't like her fake boobs and tattoos but I have nothing against her as a person....just want to make myself clear on that. I'm just tired of reading about all the repeats and wish RLC would do something about it!
  14. Yeah...give her her own apartment, hell...give all the guests their own apartment!
  15. LMAO great news for the subscribers, another 3 months for the dickhead and his sidekick or else why move from their current room to the other room!! Miserable RLC assholes!!
  16. I remember JH and I probably deserved almost everything I got from you, but here's the deal with all this mess with the...do they, don't they read the forum and how they handle what they read. It's unnatural for anyone that chooses the path to broadcast themselves to the world, to only expect rave and passionate reviews from their viewing audience. For every action there is a reaction, some people are going to react with praise because they liked what they watched, others will react with disapproval and spite at the same scene the one's praised them for. Everybody is different and when it comes to being critics which anyone that watches these people that are broadcasting themselves to the whole world are, there will be good reviews and bad reviews, sweet reviews and nasty reviews and it's up to each tenant that chooses to read this forum to understand that there needs to be a balance of both positive and negative responses. I've been on this forum a long time and I've seen it all when it comes to viewers blowing smoke up these tenants bottoms in hopes of it gaining them something and in the end what it would gain them was more time away from the apartments knowing that no matter what they did, the viewers would except it with no problem. The tenants then have the upper hand over the viewers and know they can get away with murder. How the praises and criticisms are carried out by each poster will always be different....some way more harsh than others and some way over the top with love. When I used to subscribe years ago, I always felt cheated by the amount of time the tenants would disappear for because I wasn't paying IMO a very high price to a website to watch a bunch of MT rooms. I wasn't paying to see an apartment be put UM for at times, more than 12 hours to bring in a new girl or girls. That is a classic example to me that I was not getting what I signed up for and felt ripped off and cheated. This has never bothered the arrogant assholes of RLC and it never will and I find that absolutely sad. Everybody thinks I never say anything nice and that's just simply not true, i've said plenty of nice things over the years about many tenants. The Barca threads are totally different than the couples apartments and don't get the couples apartments confused with the "Couples on Vacation" apartments, there is a huge difference between the two and they should not be considered one in the same. I have also over the years given my fair share of negative posts towards tenants and the majority of those are to the girls in the Barcelona threads that continue to show a side of themselves that is slutty and I don't like slutty girls and I have been pretty vocal about that over the years. There has also been girls that were known to be escorts but people defended them to the end which in my opinion is totally wrong. Nobody should get hammered by other posters because their views and words are different. You said it yourself in the very first sentence of what I'm replying to...."maybe a little too much". That's my whole point JH, there should always be a balance from critics, the scale should never tip heavily in one way or the other. They are providing contents to millions of people and they should expect and accept the positives and negatives no matter how sweet or how harsh they are. You would have to have a pretty strong backbone to even do what they do and I can promise you that there isn't one tenant that expects it to be a bed of roses with the viewers all the time and if there is....they are in the wrong business!! The bottom line is in how the tenants choose to react that really says allot about themselves. In Leora's case, she has changed a great deal in the past few months and is absent all the time and if you took away the time she is sleeping or on her cell phone or eating, you would see that the scales tip heavily in favor of her not being present for the viewers which back in my day, that would not make me a happy camper and I would let RLC and her know that because to me it's warranted. I would not sit back and praise her for never being there, that's not what I spent my money on. A business that provides a product, in this case people, should make sure those people are around for far more time than they are out! Sorry...got carried away.
  17. LMAO...done changed your name from naDgoB to Maninblack, you're not fooling anybody!
  18. i never had anything against Chloe so I agree
  19. They know what's fixing to happen and are glad they are not going to be any part of it.
  20. I can't blame them! They are getting while the getting is good!!
  21. they didn't fit in with N&B's overall plan
  22. You can look at his track record and know that what i'm saying is right, it's not something you have to see! However, instead of saying that I'm right, you have to throw some smart ass bullshit in there. Some things will never change!
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