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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. sounds like she needs to go on vacation from her current vacation and the vacation she left behind to go on the current vacation she is on vacation from!
  2. I think a lot of people were hoping it would progress but the fact of the matter is, neither one of them as far as i'm concerned, are into women.
  3. No sir, you are wrong my friend. Society changing doesn't change one's morals. People that have no morals might except the change but those of us that have morals do not.
  4. Morals are morals, you either have them or you don't. They can't be outdated!
  5. So, are you another one that thinks opinions are only reserved for those that watch RLC?
  6. That may be OK in your eyes but it's not in mine. That is not the way it was intended and I stand by my moral convictions!
  7. Like I have said over and over, I don't have a problem with guys as long as they are a couple and they stay in the couples apartments. It's guys in the girls apartments that I don't like!
  8. I'm sorry Nick but anything in front of cameras 24/7 will never be actual real life no matter how you slice it.
  9. I am probably weird in the sense that I don't like watching hetero sex and I have absolutely no interest if seeing a pair of nuts in my face or some guys hairy ass or a girl giving a guy a blowjob. You on the other hand like all those things and that's OK too. It's just my personal preference and since I don't pay maybe I should keep my thoughts to myself and be quiet, but then I wouldn't be me if I allowed that to happen. So I make comments based on my thoughts and how I feel about certain situations and people can either like them or not...I don't care!
  10. I couldn't agree with you more!! I just hope by you saying for RLC to give them a long overdue wake up call, means that you are tired of seeing them and they should be put out to pasture!!
  11. Yes, I was always the guy that didn't want to see guys showing up in the apartments and I will always stand by that. Yes, most girls like boys but by them bringing multiple guys back to the apartments doesn't mean it's any closer to being real life. Real life is like when Leora used to paint and do crafts or Maya and Stephan used to always be into something of interest from what I remember reading of them, that's real life but not the crap you are seeing now!! Nowadays, when you see a girl bring a guy home, 99% of the time there is always sex involved. It's an adDicktion for the Barcelona girls and that's why they are here!! The girls that didn't fit in, are the girls that you don't see coming back over and over. RLC is trying to mimic VHTV now days and that's as far away from real life as you can get!
  12. Were you around when RLC first started? If the answer to my question is NO, then you have NO clue what the heck you are talking about! When RLC first started it was about as real as a voyeur site could get. Now days, it's about as far from real as a voyeur site can get!!
  13. but that doesn't mean it has to be interactions between girls and guys. If RLC was only made up of women, I would be a happy camper!! When these women (solely speaking of Barca girls) bring guys back, 99% of the time there is always sex involved in one form or another. In all the years that I have been on CamCaps there has only been two couples that I know of who has cheated on their significant other in front of the cameras. That is, if they were really a true couple! My point being is that the Barca girls are there for the sex whether they bring them back or have it somewhere else. The day that Leora starts being like any of those girls, will be the day that she starts losing her fans IMHO.
  14. LOL then it wouldn't be RLC would it. It's funny how people on here like to dodge questions!!
  15. so you are one of the ones that likes looking at the guys then? No thanks, I wouldn't pay for that kind of crud!
  16. That was the best think they could have done! As it will be full of repeats when it comes back online, then they really just should have cut their loses and saved money on the rent for that place!
  17. From what I read about their mannerisms and how much time they are spending outside these days, you might just be right.
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