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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Oh OK...didn't know they have arrived yet. Well, at least they are there now and you still get to enjoy them for however long before they disappear again lol.
  2. In the mean time maybe the girls will come home and then you can look at them 🙂
  3. Sorry you had a shitty day my friend! Just sit back and drink an ice cold glass of your favorite beverage and everything will get better!
  4. LOL that's true but it was an opener for an 8 year old kid! It just made me want to see more naked women which I would do anytime I got the chance.
  5. No sir, I think you've probably already seen the same sentiments from me over the years.
  6. I just think she needs to focus on what she wants and decide how long she wants to carry out this thing with RLC. She's not a spring chicken anymore and moving on with her life is something she should give serious thought too.
  7. I think it's to easy to put any blame on Malia being there. I think that was a well thought out plan by Leora and when she got Malia's buy in, she knew it would give her more free time away without totally letting her fan base down. Now it seems that they have both gotten involved with something outside that is totally consuming their time. I do find it interesting what her fans have had to say about her over the years and how loyal they are to her!
  8. I got caught playing doctor with a neighborhood girl by her older brother when i was 8 LOL...he told me to never let him catch us doing that again. So we just did it at my house LOL
  9. No he is not on CC and thinks i'm crazy for being here or for ever having watched RLC. I could tell you his exact words about what he thinks of RLC and how big of a waste of time and money he thinks it is but I will spare y'all in that regard. What may be a waste of time and money to some people, is not a waste of time to others!
  10. Unfortunately for you and others Nick, there really is nothing to look forward to anymore with RLC. It has played it's course and that leaves repeats as tenants or crap like what was happening with the Barcelona apartments. That is all RLC will be anymore which just gets further and further away from reality. The sad thing i'm reading is how it seems to me that Leora doesn't really care about her fans anymore....I could be wrong because I haven't watched her for 7 years like so many of you have but it does sound that way by her spending more and more time out of the apartment these days.
  11. I'm not worried about it, my son and I have a great relationship and enjoy mostly the same things. He's just bitter at me because I made it seem to simple. He's a very smart guy and a lot of times that just get's in the way of rationality and common sense.
  12. Nip slip....how about a full fledged boob slip LOL
  13. LOL that's what we call the 19th hole. I used to get my butt in trouble with the wife for spending too much time in the 19th hole after a round of golf. Usually it was due to what kind of round I had. If it was a good round, the 19th hole would see me for a couple of hours, if it was a bad round I would just put my clubs in my truck and head home and cook dinner for the family LOL. Oh...those were the days!
  14. Damn...after all these years I thought that saying went like this "if at first you don't suck seed, then try and try again" LMAO Just kidding, I know what the saying is..."when in doubt, spit it out" LMAO Man, is it just me or is this forum getting really boring these days? There is hardly any posting going on and when there is, it's always by the same handful of people. Is RLC to blame or has this forum and everything else involved run it's course. On a sad note, my son and I had a nasty argument last night over....get this, BBQ. I know, how can a father and son get into a nasty argument over fricking BBQ. Here is exactly how it started, I simply asked him if he was going to be BBQing today for Labor Day (Happy Labor Day everyone) as that is what most people do down South where we live do. They have a BBQ and invite their family and friends. He said that he wasn't sure because he was going through an impasse with himself over seasonings. I told him that all you need is salt and pepper and maybe some garlic powder and that's it. That boy makes the best BBQ ribs South of Interstate 10 (I-10) that just melt in your mouth. The rest of the story is that he sent my butt home because he just couldn't see the simplicity and thought that you had to put everything in the pantry on the meat before you BBQ it. Before I left I asked him to think back to when he was house sitting for his uncle (my younger brother) and he BBQed ribs the second night. He said...yeah those were some bad ass ribs, to which I said...do you remember what you put on them? He just laughed and said no, that was over a year ago. Epilepsy medication screws up the memory and he knows this, so when I told him all he used was salt, pepper and garlic powder....he just pointed to my truck. When I got home I sent him a text and told him that we needed to sit down and have a talk while he was BBQing LOL....haven't heard from him since. To be honest, I just think he wanted to chill out and doesn't feel like BBQing today LOL At any rate...Happy Labor Day to all!!!
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