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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Now that Milena is a member of the "Bang the Spanish Inquisition" club, I'm sure you will be seeing more and more of her outside the apartment.
  2. Yes, and i've been reading that very same thing for years now. It does make someone wonder if there is some kind of outside love interest.
  3. Do you think she see's a guy outside of the apartment or when she goes on these little short stints of vacation?
  4. It's a pity also that someone was banned indefinitely by a mod with no posts to go back and refer too, to see just exactly what all was said by this person that caused such a reaction. This forum mimics RLC actions more and more!!
  5. I hear that B4 (Kim) had a visit from Alexandra or Pumpkin Head or both during their recent UM....what a pity that they take an apartment offline for a visit!!
  6. Must be nice for the admin to be on vacation for over a month....I smell something very fishy!! You are right though, the golden years of this forum are long past us and it's all because of me!! Oh well, what a bunch of weak minded people that can't handle anyone that posts things that opposes their agenda, and then go crying like school children to the teacher to have them sit in a corner for a week!!! Like Amy said, to all the newbies that can suck a BB through a tunnel and get beamed up into the clubs, may the vacuum be with you!!
  7. Thanks Amy, I appreciate you letting me know! It's very chicken shit of them to ban anybody from this thread!!
  8. I appreciate the heads up but I don't understand why they banned you if you were in this thread. I need some clarification from the Admin or mods about this thread and what the reasoning was for you being banned at all from this thread, much less a damn month. I don't have a clue about anything you and jabs were in a squabble over, I haven't gone to the VHTV threads since RLC has turned into VHTV lol. Must have been some serious Hatfield and McCoy's shit though LOL.
  9. You have got to be shitting me Amy3, you actually got banned from posting in the Rants section? That's what this thread is for, so people can kill each other in hear and the mods stay out of it. If you don't mind me asking, what did you say that got you banned from this section for a month??
  10. Have you ever thought that maybe Bonnie doesn't agree with how Alexandra is? I don't think she likes what the 3 stooges are doing! She probably heard something at B4 concerning what is now going on in the shit show of Alex, Pumpkin Head, and Kim....did you ever think of that? You people really do amaze me at times!!
  11. The only one that is full of shit here is you....you wishy washy fence straddling piece of shit!! Go back to your B5 and watch the shit that is destroying RLC!!
  12. and you sir calling me a liar....I would like to make a formal complaint!! That is NO way for a moderator to act!!!!!
  13. unlike you Moos, I'm hear to help the people of this forum and you sir are obviously not. If you think I really care what her name is...then you don't know shit about me!!
  14. typical bullshit related to this forum.....i know something you don't know nanna nanna boo boo Just PM the person C84...i'm sure he will tell you if you ask nice enough lmao
  15. no sir, I don't want to know at all. i don't cyber stalk the participants like you and many others do!!
  16. LOL...there you go guys, spend all day on replay for a 1 second segment just to catch her name.....get real Moos!!
  17. What a load of crap!!! Nobody is going to do anything, you perverts spend all your awake time in front of your computers...none of you would have the time to make the arrangements to fly to Barcelona and then with packing and getting to the airport, you couldn't leave your computers for that long...what a freaking joke!!
  18. Exactly!! This is the kind of shit i'm talking about with this forum. Things are heard on camera which makes it totally legal to repeat them because it was done inside the apartment. Who cares if he gives a name to the girl, what is anyone of you going to do...stalk her social media for pete's sake. Nobody is going to haul ass to Barcelona to see if they can find her and do something to her. The most ridiculous thing i've ever heard!!!
  19. LMAO if it's said in the apartment it's fair game! you people crack me up!!
  20. Enjoy it TBG...I'm outta here too, my second thing planned today is quickly approaching!!
  21. Yes, we have had our disagreements and I have moved on from them and you have obviously noticed that so I thank you! Most of my hatred is by far to RLC and the whores on cam...you are 100% correct in that statement!!
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