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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I seriously doubt it!! If she wanted to f@ck him, she would have and not to mention that she probably already has many times outside the apartment.
  2. I hope like hell she doesn't, I've always liked Mila but I know she is very sexually active outside the apartment. So I'm sure they have more BS up their sleeves for what they are going to do. As ddhm says, everything happens in time LMAO.
  3. Yeah, force her to do something she doesn't want to just for your guilty pleasure!!
  4. So, I just heard the infamous spiked water guy is back to keep B2 f@cked up. That should make you all happy!!
  5. Who says she didn't? Maybe she showed Maksim her pictures that Rasputin took of her and he didn't like her spreading her legs for him.
  6. Gina has been an alcoholic ever since she showed up on the RLC scene some years ago!!
  7. LMAO...so you are another one of those that thinks these girls don't have sex out of the apartments and away from the cams? Do you honestly think that Anna, Lola, and Mila haven't been seeing Rasputin before he showed up to f@ck the girls on cam....he's right there in Barcelona and he's no stranger to any of these girls. Nana's worthless off cam slutty ass should have been removed a long time ago!!
  8. I've got my fingers crossed that whatever it is....they never come back!
  9. More BS cubicle swapping....and people wonder what's wrong with RLC!!
  10. Now I am a happy camper!!! Hopefully Gina and that nut job Bruno will never be seen again......EVER!!
  11. I found it funny because of your dying love for this "CAM" pair. It all comes down to you knowing nothing about what either one of them do when they are outside the apartment regardless of what a translator has mentioned. I find it very odd that Martina spends overnighters with her "friends" when everyone knows how promiscuous she is. I would probably not say a word about it but she damn near does it every weekend from what I read about it. If her and Alberto were so much in love, don't you think she would stay home with Alberto on most weekends? I could see her going out and having an overnighter once every other month but not the way she does them now. You are too naive to believe she's out at a friends house having drinks and smoking like a chimney!! P.S. I also find it funny that you pay so much attention to emoji's that people give you for one of your post!!
  12. Hogwash! The predator photographer paid a lot of money for his showing in B2!!
  13. Not even close in the overall scheme of things!!
  14. LOL I'm well aware of the leaked accounts that started in 2014 but compared to the number of people on this planet they are nothing but a pimple on a gnats ass!!
  15. I read where someone asked why Olivia and Ulyana don't associate with the others very much. From what i've been told, they are not even close to being the same kind of girls as the others are regardless of their association with RLC. The Olivia crew hangout with grungy type guys from what I've been told and one Dracula!! Plus, I honestly believe that some of the posters on here have made them out to be something way more than they are.
  16. I'm really happy to hear that Mila is back in B4 and she didn't go back to B2!! I know a lot of you are put off by Mila these days and if I was a viewer I would be as well. I always liked Mila for all her quirkiness and for me it wasn't about her throwing her kitty into the wind to get views.
  17. The only place that I know exactly where it is, is the Villa (B4). I could look for B2 because I know it's close to the sea but it just doesn't bother me that much not knowing. However, if I wouldn't have deleted all my PM's, I would have those locations also, along with most of the girls social media pages but once again it's just not important to me and I never really looked at their social pages because I honestly thought it was wrong....like stalking the girls.
  18. I like this answer much better than Moos' answer!!
  19. I would say you're wrong but that would just cause you to respond to me saying you're wrong. I think slutty was the word I was looking for but you have the right to your opinion even though I don't share it with you.
  20. NO, they should stay in the place they were put in!! This apartment visiting apartment BS is what's hurting RLC more than anything!!
  21. What kind of a girl lets a guy intimately video her having sex with him?
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