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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LMAO...Ginger and the others are a given! What I'm talking about is the surprises.....Melina & Diane!!
  2. LOL my prediction.....Milena and Diane will be the fuck dolls of the night!!
  3. I would flood their inbox if I was in your position...after all perseverance wins out in the end!!
  4. We must all think happy thoughts!! Leave the rest of that BS for the f@cked up GOV apartments!
  5. LOL I know why you feel the need to address the situation with them and trust me, it sounds like it needs to be addressed and I commend you on emailing them, but what kind of response did you actually expect to read from them? Frankly, you should be happy that they responded at all.
  6. What does the new day bring with all the scuttle butt of the Leora fans? Will it be a day of reckoning for all involved or will silly mud slinging be at the forefront!! I hope it's a great day and people can see and realize their differences and the forum can gel like it should. If by chance you get bored with this apartment, may I suggest to you that you go bury your eyes in the B4 apartment. I hear they are gathering over there for yet another birthday party of which i'm sure it will be to put on a wonderful "Real" show for the viewers! Whatever you do, enjoy your day and have fun with it!!
  7. That's good then....I know there is always tomorrow and the next day and the day after that for her to surprise the viewers. Sometimes, good things take time to develop!
  8. "the hedgehog" so damn funny!! I feel sorry for the viewers of the spectacle that will be presented for them tonight!!!
  9. Thanks Rob, I appreciate that sir. I think she will be fine and from what i've heard this virus has different affects on a lot of people. I just hope my son is clear of it because he and I spend quite a bit of time together.
  10. Thanks Let's, I'm sure she will but I'm worried for some of the others she has been around. My son works for a major hospital branch and he has to get tested today and where he works will only except the results from where he works. Fingers crossed that he doesn't have it!!!
  11. They are just trying to sort out the pecking order in their relationship!!
  12. Hi Dave, I don't really have a clue what i'm talking about either....hell, just ask anyone and they'll tell you lol. As for the CC members being PC literate, there is a bunch of old bastards on this forum but if you really got down to brass tacks, i bet there is a lot more of the younger crowd on this forum than there is of us old farts lol. So, yeah....i think you and I would both be surprised how PC literate most of the forum members are!! I remember sitting on a deer stand when my first video call happened about 6 years ago....I almost fell out that sumbitch lol. It was from my daughter and she wanted me to say hi to a coworker of hers.....she's was trying to play match maker lol. I told my daughter later that I applauded her efforts but in the future to never do that again during deer season lol. It's a techie world we live in today and all us old timers can do is try to hang on for the ride and learn what we can. I say to not be afraid and dive in and see what happens!!!
  13. well....i've enjoyed the banter but i must go. i hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day!!! Later...
  14. I don't know what to tell you Nick, if they go to fast at something people will complain that it was to fast and if they go to slow people will complain it's to slow. it's a no win situation for them if you ask me.
  15. if they were balls to the walls with it that would be different, but from what i've been shown that is just not the case. if and when i'm shown something different, I will make a post based on what I was shown. Is that fair enough? Yes, you are correct that I want to read about "Real Life" and not about a bunch of showgirls but considering what they do, eventually there is going to be a little show affect.....it goes with the business unfortunately.
  16. LOL, why no, I don't as a matter of fact but you might have a valid point as I really don't know the girl lol.
  17. baby steps...baby steps...they are trying to please and unfortunately they won't be able to please everyone!!
  18. i'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the same way you do. i say to give it more time and see if anything more develops. you're the paying customer and have every right to voice your opinion and I understand where you are coming from, but even when I used to subscribe i like the build up regardless if anything transpired from it or not....just my .02
  19. you've got to give them a chance, they are still in the exploration phase Nick. if they got down and dirty right out of the gates, it wouldn't be the same anymore!
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